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Trip Reports » August 2023: Cedar - Hogan - Radiant Loop » 7/12/2024 10:12 am

Enjoyed this write up, sounds like a good start to the trip. Starting with that many people around will only make you enjoy it more as you get deeper into the interior! Hopefully the fishing is better in August!

Equipment » Dutch Oven » 10/19/2023 12:49 pm

We use the GSI dutch on almost all of our trips. We cook almost all our meals in it with ease. It is easy to put over the fire and leave simmer without much worry. And cleanup is a breeze! One of the staples to our kitchen kit for sure! In most cases it worth the weight in my opinion!

Photos and Videos To Share » Smokey and Rainy Days On Sunday Lake » 7/04/2023 8:35 am

Nice pictures. The haze makes for some interesting shots!

Trip Reports » Birchcliffe Cabin, The Nipissing River & Some Hills » 6/13/2023 8:41 am

Great report! Was nice seeing you guys out there! Beautiful area of the park, but you definately gotta work for it! Reading your report it seems you had alot of the same feelings and thoughts of the different areas as we did. Again great report, love reading them!

Trip Planning » RIP Spring Trip » 5/08/2023 8:44 pm

Oh no! I feel your pain Dave. I have only ever had to cancel 1 trip, and it was due to starting a new job. The pain is real. Especially for a spring trip. We will do our best to document our spring trip in a couple weeks! My condolences....

Trip Planning » Portage Campsite Inventory » 5/08/2023 2:46 pm

Yeah I am all for it! I like the PCI. I personally prefer to watch all the videos I can and do my own research. I also take a look at the lakes of interest and the PCI to get an idea of what to expect. The more I can consume in the off season the better!! I enjoy all the work everybody does, keep the videos, trip reports, site reports, photos, ruins, questions, answers, and all the info flowing  Spread the love of nature that keeps us all coming back. Be a good example for the future generations so they will follow in our footsteps!!

Headed out on our first trip in a couple weeks! Very happy to get back out and enjoy the park and relax!  Hope everybody is doing the same or has plans in the works!

Trip Planning » The Ice.... is OUT! » 4/27/2023 2:22 pm

We head back in on the 19th for a week-long with a couple other buddies tagging along this time!

Sell and Swap » 16’ Swift Prospector Royalex Canoe for sale » 3/31/2023 6:18 am

Yes looks like a great boat if I had some extra cash I would definitely be all over this. Maybe in a couple years.... 

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 646 » 3/28/2023 7:52 am

Lower spectacle to upper spectacle?

Catch-all Discussions » Call me crazy... » 3/28/2023 6:11 am

Ha!! It has become pretty quiet, but I assume it will pick up again shortly!! 

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 646 » 3/27/2023 12:05 pm

portage from Aura lee to Laurel lake?

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 645 » 3/24/2023 7:10 am

Is this the top of 5 mile rapids?

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 632 » 3/20/2023 4:28 pm

Kinda reminds me of Coral Root to Raven Creek portage, but looks like to much water for that one.

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 632 » 3/20/2023 9:55 am

Burntroot into Purley?

Trip Planning » MNR - AFA Annual Work Schedule Maps » 3/20/2023 6:51 am

Based on what I could see for our spring trips zone. We will be in the clear this year!!! Thanks for the info. I never knew this site even existed!

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 632 » 3/17/2023 6:12 am

Portage from La Muir to Hogan?

Where In Algonquin? » WIA 631 » 3/15/2023 9:32 am

Diana has it right! That is the McManus Lake access point from last fall. I had limited pictures on my phone, but it was a beautiful morning!! I felt it was worthy!! your up rgcmce!

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