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Skills » Permanent residents in APP » 8/18/2020 2:50 pm

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I opted to go with 'living off the land' instead of squatting ... although now that I think of it, squatting would have led to a good discussion on Stay in School!  Don't do drugs!  

@Martin - great article!

@splakin - no, I haven't.  Interested in the info though!

Skills » Permanent residents in APP » 8/10/2020 8:35 am

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My daughter asked me an interesting question on our last trip to APP.  Has anyone heard of anyone living off the land in the backcountry of the park?  I told her that it was entirely possible but then it got me thinking as to whether there have been any stories/sightings over the years.

Equipment » Solo trip - canoe type? » 8/08/2020 4:00 pm

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I should have clarified -- instead of bringing my little one, I am thinking of doing a solo trip.  If I weigh down the front end of a two person standard kevlar canoe, would that work as efficiently as having the weight of a 9 year old in front - instead of having to rent a solo canoe.  

Another option I suppose would be to sit in the middle on the floor of the canoe? 

Equipment » Solo trip - canoe type? » 8/08/2020 2:36 pm

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If I weigh down the front end of a standard two person canoe with gear would that work as well as a solo canoe?

Skills » Identifying animal scat » 8/08/2020 8:56 am

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There were no flies or other insects on it, so perhaps it had been there for awhile. 

@PaPaddler can't comment on the saltiness of it.  

Skills » Identifying animal scat » 8/07/2020 10:06 am

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Thanks everyone. I feel a lot better now.  It was a little nerve wracking to see, especially so close to camp.  Could that also have been the loud splash I heard in the early morning?  This was a reaaally loud splash - John Candy doing a cannonball loud.

Skills » Identifying animal scat » 8/07/2020 9:36 am

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Just returned from a short trip with my little one and came across animal scat about 60 feet from the fire pit.  A quick google showed it was likely moose but now I'm not so sure. (Although I convinced myself that's what it was because I didn't want to even consider it might be bear).  Round in shape and a lot of it!  Almost like horse manure.  I asked a park attendant on our way home and she thought it was likely moose as well.  

1)  Does this sound like moose scat?
2)  Is 60 feet too close for comfort?
3)  If it was a moose, what problems could that pose?

Skills » How do you solo trip without freaking out? » 8/07/2020 9:26 am

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Just returned from a short trip with my little one.  The noises in the night are definitely the worst.  I tied an old school metal thermos to the food barrel as an extra noise deterrent and while it worked, hearing the handle of the metal thermos clanking while I lay in my tent was probably worse than having my barrel broken into!  Follow that up with a loud splash into the water shortly afterwards and I ended up sleeping with one eye open.

Trip Planning » Occupied Sites » 7/30/2020 8:22 pm

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Has anyone encountered a situation where you've reserved the only site on a lake and found it occupied when you've arrived?  Wondering what the protocol is.  Thanks!

Equipment » Prepackaged Tuna & Chicken » 7/30/2020 8:18 pm

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Thanks @yellowcanoe

Equipment » Prepackaged Tuna & Chicken » 7/30/2020 2:54 pm

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Wasn't sure if this falls under the 'equipment' category...

I can't seem to find any prepackaged chicken or tuna pouches.  Have tried Walmart, Fortinos, Food Basics and No Frills.  It seems as though the US grocery stores have a much bigger selection.  Does anyone know where to find them in Canada (Ontario)?

Trip Planning » Best Access Point » 7/14/2020 10:21 am

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Thanks a lot PaPaddler - looking forward to our trip!

Trip Planning » Best Access Point » 7/12/2020 8:37 pm

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It's not that she can't handle the walking.  It's the carrying of gear for extended periods of time.  I'll be on my own with her so she'll need to help carry.

Trip Planning » Best Access Point » 7/12/2020 2:08 pm

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The PCI info is great!  Thanks for the suggestion and the info on the portage.

Just got back from SAIL and MEC.  Shelves are pretty bare. 

Trip Planning » Best Access Point » 7/12/2020 10:31 am

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Thanks a lot tentsterforever.  It's just me and my little one (9 years old).  Good points about the Louisa portage.  How is the Rock - Pen portage?  I've heard it's uphill but obviously much shorter. 

I'm also looking at the Rock - Galeairy route but Galeairy seems like a busy lake to me.

Trip Planning » Best Access Point » 7/12/2020 8:26 am

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My little one will likely start out carrying some of the gear but I'm anticipating either lots of stops or multiple legs.  

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