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Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 4/22/2019 6:29 am

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we're getting closer!  just read this post on another social media page (not my info, just sharing): Here's an ice out update for everyone who's just as eager as me to go on a spring canoe trip.
Walked in to Source Lake today (hwy 60 km 20). Snow cover in bush varies from none on exposed South facing areas to knee deep where it's shaded. Either way the snow is very soft and melting fast. Lots of flowing surface water as well.
Now for the ice. Still covering the whole lake, but leads (open water) are forming along the shores. The ice itself is very soft on top. Walking around, I often sunk 6" deep in my rain boots.
With an auger I unfortunately still measured about 24" (2ft) of ice, but there's good news. The top 16" (about the length of the black auger fins) is very soft and cut through in 10 turns. This ice has been internally melting from all the rain and runoff etc. The bottom 8" however is much harder and is still solid clear blue ice. A block sample from mid February also measured 24" of ice so whatever formed after then has already melted away, including the top snow layer.
Driving in there was also lots of open water along the Oxtongue River (very swollen) and lots of open water from Tea Lake to Smoke Lake on Smoke Creek. Enjoy the photos.

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 5/11/2018 7:01 am

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Wendigo Lake is still iced up!

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 5/07/2018 8:54 pm

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Lake Nosbonsing is nearly ice free. The part I saw tonight was all slush, no solid ice left.  Nosbonsing isn't that far from Kiosk or Manitou.

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 5/06/2018 7:46 pm

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I wish I knew that! Did you make it to Brent ?

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 5/06/2018 6:18 pm

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Took a drive up the Brent Road this afternoon.. got as far as the 11km mark then found this puddle...  we didn't try it. 

Catch-all Discussions » 2018 Ice Out Predictions? » 4/17/2018 12:07 pm

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Next week's forecast for Brent is looking promising! sunny and double digit temperatures in 7 of the next 10 days.  I am still holding out a small sliver of hope for May 4th opener!

Trip Planning » Motor restrictions » 12/18/2017 8:37 pm

Thanks for the great info. I guess we will track down a smaller motor! Still have 4 1/2 months to figure it out.

Trip Planning » Motor restrictions » 12/09/2017 7:34 am

I am planning a spring trout fishing adventure on one the bigger lakes that allows 20HP motors. My uncle has a nice 25 HP motor.  Is this rule strictly enforced? Or is it more like a guideline?

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/27/2017 9:16 am

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ATVenture wrote:

A quote from the advisory page 
"Brent Road Expected to Reopen April 28, 2017"

Great news.  I will be testing that road to Wendigo Access point in less than 22 hours from now!!!  Getting very excited

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/26/2017 10:17 am

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ATVenture wrote:

I'm on the Brent road now.. could only make it about half way through the Esker reserve. They brought machinery out there today (can tell by the tracks). When I stopped and got out to check the snow situation I could hear them digging in the distance presumably fixing the washout (s). Some spots where the snow is over a few inches deep​ it looks like they dropped a blade to break it up, so it will be mostly melted by tomorrow me thinks.

Good news for sure! 

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/26/2017 7:58 am

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ATVenture wrote:

I think I am going to try and get through the Brent Road today. I would assume it would be all fixed up considering AO on Cedar has to get ready for Friday morning? I'm sure Jake wants to get home too!

That is a great idea!

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/24/2017 8:40 pm

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Uppa wrote:

PhillyPhilster wrote:

Great!!  I have big plans to head down that road Friday morning.

Just saw this washout pic of the Brent road posted on the Algonquin Park site:
Image above: Washout on the Brent Road in Algonquin Park on April 24, 2017. (click to enlarge)


That doesn't look too bad. I will bring my shovel!

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/24/2017 8:05 am

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ATVenture wrote:

PhillyPhilster wrote:

ATVenture wrote:

Nipissing and Trout Lake are free. Tried to get into Cedar Lake today but the road is still snowed in at the 12km or so mark.

how much snow would you estimate was still on the Brent Road?

1 foot I would say. But there were ruts going through it from pickups so it's probably gone now. I'll probably head that way on Wednesday.

Great!!  I have big plans to head down that road Friday morning.

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/24/2017 7:36 am

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ATVenture wrote:

Coureur des Biere wrote:

Darn wispy clouds in the latest sat image (16:07 GMT) are blocking AP but Lake Nippising is completely ice free...maybe the next one in an hour will give us a little window through!

Nipissing and Trout Lake are free. Tried to get into Cedar Lake today but the road is still snowed in at the 12km or so mark.

how much snow would you estimate was still on the Brent Road?

Trip Planning » Access Road Conditions » 4/20/2017 2:49 pm

does anyone know how far you can get on the Brent Road before its closed to the public? From what I remember it's used for logging year round and to access many other lakes besides Algonquin Park lakes.  so do they gate it off at the park boundary? or up by the highway?

Catch-all Discussions » So when does the ice-out prediction conversation start??? » 4/19/2017 7:56 am

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I am looking at it right now and see lots of open water.  I think the grey skies reflecting on the water may have made it look like ice.

Trip Planning » CABIN FEVER!! » 4/15/2017 12:24 pm

ATVenture wrote:

PhillyPhilster wrote:

I am feeling it too! Today I was able to stand on the shores of Kiosk Lake and breath in the beautiful Algonquin air.

Did you do much exploring?

We explored around the campground and stopped at a few spots on the river along the road in. We didn't go down the railroad track/trail.

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