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Trip Planning » Ontario Parks Closed until June » 4/25/2020 9:59 pm

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I don't have a problem with it. But find it hard to believe beer stores and liquor stores are still open and are considered essential services.

Trip Planning » Ontario Parks Closed until June » 4/25/2020 11:15 am

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All Ontario Parks now closed until June 1 as of April 25th.

Catch-all Discussions » Ice Out Update? » 4/20/2020 1:39 pm

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Spring Lake in Dwight was ice free on April 11th.  From my experience Canoe Lake is typically ice free 7-10 after Spring Lake is.  Given the cooler than normal temperatures this past week has definitely slowed the melt up here but I'm sure the ice will be out by or before opener.  Not that it matters.

Where In Algonquin? » WIA #266 » 4/09/2019 10:06 am

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You're absolutely Wright Peek!

Where In Algonquin? » WIA #266 » 4/08/2019 9:19 am

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Not Hawkeye, Raven or Owl.

Where In Algonquin? » WIA #266 » 4/05/2019 4:56 pm

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Not Longer or Tim

Trip Planning » Rock Lake Road » 4/04/2019 11:49 am

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I was in the Park last Friday and it looked like the road had been cleared.  Almost by a blower as the banks were cut sharp and not piled up like a plow would do.  One gate was open.  Given the snow the Park got last weekend, and with hauling operations done for the season it's probably not being maintained anymore.  Unless conditions become favourable it probably won't be open until May 3rd of opening weekend.

Wildlife » Wildlife attacks in APP. Park puts out warning. » 4/01/2019 10:19 am

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Just posted by the Park.  Be careful out there.

Where In Algonquin? » Where in Algonquin? #264 » 3/28/2019 5:07 pm

Replies: 35

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Lorne from the Kakasamic portage?

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