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4/17/2017 7:05 am  #1

Where is this #132

Sorry for the delay I was away for easter.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.


4/17/2017 8:44 am  #2

Re: Where is this #132

Burnt Island Lake?


4/17/2017 9:00 am  #3

Re: Where is this #132



4/17/2017 9:26 am  #4

Re: Where is this #132

Nope neither guesses are right sorry.

     Thread Starter

4/17/2017 9:59 am  #5

Re: Where is this #132

East Arm of North Tea from the island campsite looking toward the narrows? . . . At least that's what it reminds me of.


4/17/2017 10:01 am  #6

Re: Where is this #132

Not north tea.

     Thread Starter

4/17/2017 10:35 am  #7


4/17/2017 10:36 am  #8

Re: Where is this #132

Not parks bay.

First hint: it is north of highway 60

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4/17/2017 11:35 am  #9

Re: Where is this #132



4/17/2017 12:34 pm  #10

Re: Where is this #132

Not Erables.

     Thread Starter

4/17/2017 12:46 pm  #11

Re: Where is this #132

view from small island on Cisco Bay in Dickson Lake 


4/17/2017 1:50 pm  #12

Re: Where is this #132

'...a man is part of his canoe and therefore part of all it knows. The instant he dips a paddle he flows as it flows.’ Sigurd Olson

4/17/2017 2:04 pm  #13

Re: Where is this #132

Burntroot Lake?


4/17/2017 6:02 pm  #14

Re: Where is this #132

Ahah, PaPaddler, you beat me to it. Pretty sure you are correct.
BTW are you Pa Paddler because you are a dad, or because you are from Pennsylvania?


4/18/2017 6:37 am  #15

Re: Where is this #132

Hey Methye - I guess my moniker should be "PAPaddler" since PA is the official designation of the state of Pennsylvania where I have lived most of my 49 years.

Although I am a dad as well, but nobody calls me "Pa".  Don't know if you're from north of the border or south, but the funny thing about Pennsylvania is that many Pennsylvanians refer to the state as just two letters P A when talking about it in conversation.  Multiple other linguistic idiosyncrasies - folks in the western part of the state refer to a group of people as "yinz" (instead of "are you going downtown" they might ask "are yinz going downtown").  And many in the central part of the state love scrapple.

My apologies for being so clearly got more than you bargained for on the inquiry!

For a cute reference....


4/18/2017 6:49 am  #16

Re: Where is this #132

Sorry no correct guesses yet.

Hint 2: although not super close, McCraney is the closest guess thus far.

     Thread Starter

4/18/2017 6:58 am  #17

Re: Where is this #132



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