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10/16/2016 11:01 pm  #1

Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

I did nice 5 night trip in September out of Canoe Lake. Nothing too exciting, but an interesting route with a new section for me on the Petawawa River east of Misty. A little portage heavy for my liking, but that's Algonquin! My photo trip report is here, if you want to take a look:


10/17/2016 9:04 am  #2

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing the trip report.

I'm impressed you tackled all those portages with such grace. I would have been much less poised in my writing about such a feat!  



10/17/2016 2:00 pm  #3

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

Nice report Ralph. really nice pics too!!!

I recently switched to one of those Solo Stoves after seeing so many people using them. I love it! I've been through a lot of twig stoves over the years (Firebox, Kelley Kettle, Tack 180, Littlebug..) I see them as novelties more than anything. But this one really works for me. My alcohol stove hasn't seen much use this summer.


10/17/2016 3:52 pm  #4

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

Thanks for looking, Claire and Martin!
re: portage weight..I used 2 dry bags inside my canvas canoe pack. It was overkill and extra unnecessary weight (2 pounds?). Contractor garbage bags well-sealed would've done the job. Also brought my wood stove (1/2 pound?) and my hammock (1 3/4 pounds?) plus a book (1/2 pound?) and a stool (1/2 pound). Then I brought lots of fresh food--giant fuji apples etc, so then I needed both my Ursacks...another 1/2 pound...You know the story. It starts to add up. 
Next time I'll pack ruthlessly like I'm backpacking.

re: SoloStove  I think that it's probably the best all-round mini twig stove that is widely available.  I've got the MKettle, like a mini Kelly Kettle, but it's too small to get a proper draft going quickly, and it's top heavy like all the ghillie / kelly kettles. The big Ghillie is a powerhouse treat, but heavy for a solo trip. Bonus: The solo stove can hold a Trangia alcohol stove within it and serve as a windshield..I find the best height is achieved by putting the Trangia stove on top of the Trangia simmer lid. 

If I had known it was going to be so good, I would have supported the Canadian business, saved weight, and bought the original Bushbuddy Ultralight model instead of the slightly heavier American-Chinese clone; but it was twice the price and I didn't want to risk it at the time.

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10/17/2016 4:22 pm  #5

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

Me too methye!! But the original is no longer made. The Bush Buddy guy retired and now recommends the Nomadic Stove company. Whoever that is apprenticed under him and hand makes the stoves in the same way. But, he is based in the US. Still your point about weight is well taken I was surprised at how much I like this stove.

Last edited by MartinG (10/17/2016 4:23 pm)


10/18/2016 3:30 pm  #6

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

I was just thinking to do a trip like yours and trying to find info on it for next year September to see if it would be a possibility for me and my daughter when you're trip log showed up. The pics are absolutely wonderful, but reading about your lengthy portages here and there, and I'm thinking I won't be able to handle it, especially the long trek from ink lake. I wished I was 40 years younger!


2/02/2017 3:45 pm  #7

Re: Loop via Thomson-Timberwolf-Petawawa-Grassy Bay-Sunbeam-Thomson

Just read your blog. Great pictures, I agree about Sunbeam and especially Willow. I was through there this summer and I was really surprised there isn't at least one campsite on Willow. It's a really nice lake.


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