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6/22/2016 4:19 pm  #18

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Most of the time paddling or backpacking I'm as quite as possible so I can see more wildlife including black bears.  I just stay very alert to my surroundings so I see more.  I'm more alert or worried when in grizzly or lion areas which is not that often. I have run into a few wild hogs in the 200-300lb range down in the Smoky Mountains and that was alarming since they didn't seem worried that we where there.


6/22/2016 4:39 pm  #19

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

For me carrying these things is like carrying an inReach - may never need them but prefer to have them.


6/22/2016 6:41 pm  #20

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Ditto, PaPaddler. Carrying a spray or bangers doesn't mean one is prepared. I can carry a scalpel, does it make me a surgeon?


6/23/2016 7:49 am  #21

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

I carry bear spray. Switch it up every few years because the cans loose their pressure. But it only really gets carried on some trips, usually when its just my wife and I and we are on an extended trip. Don't really carry for quick weekend trips or "social trips".

As for bear bangers. I have them, but that's just because they came with the penflare that I bought. Its more the flares I care about, which are also selectively taken ...canoe trips in November or later, winter trips, coastal trips, etc... when the weather/water is cold and people are not around.  


6/23/2016 10:18 am  #22

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Ohhhh, PaPaddler, that falling tree branch thing.  Many years ago I was hiking on a windy day.  Within all the leaf-rustling and tree-rubbing sounds, I heard just the faintest "tick" sound above me, it somehow stood out from the other sounds because I knew immediately what that was.  I bolted, and seconds later heard a branch land behind me.  It was maybe five or six cm in diameter, but pretty long.  Probably not a killer, but a direct shot to the top of the dome is a direct shot to the top of the dome and to be avoided if possible, whether that shot comes in the form of flora or fauna. 

Last edited by dontgroandaddy (6/23/2016 10:21 am)


6/24/2016 12:24 pm  #23

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

The majority of bears I've seen in the wild have been mothers with cubs and never really concerned myself with them other than to admire them. I used to work for CN between Hornpayne and Gogama in different capacities and they were basically everywhere. I did run into a very, very large male bear on Eighteen Mile Island on the French River and it changed my perspective a little. He was on a logging road about a hundred yard out when I spotted him (I was on my mountain bike). I stopped got of my bike and started yelling and calling loudly so he would know I was there, at that point I knew he saw me and dropped his head a little but just kept casually walking towards me. Once he got about 50 yards out I started backing away and went over the crest of a small hill. I waited about 5 minutes and when he didn't appear I went to the top of hill and he was gone, scary thing was it's a one way road and I needed to pass by where he was advancing, problem was the bush is so thick in the summer that I couldn't see beyond the edge of the roadway. He definitely knew who was boss or at least it seemed that way to me, I didn't see him again and I was clenching pretty hard when I passed the last place I saw him. He wasn't aggressive and was likely just indifferent to me but let me tell you that seeing a Bear that size that didn't scare easily made me wish at the time I had a some form of defence. It's humbling to see such a large wild animal and realize you don't stand a chance. I never felt like I needed it but at that moment I would have done anything to have a can of Bear Spray. I've thought about buying it several times since but in the grand scheme of things it probably isn't necessary, in a moment like that though trust me its a real rush. I have a picture I'd taken I believe the year before with my hand in his print and it looked like a toddlers hand, great experience after the fact but terrifying at the same time.


6/25/2016 10:51 am  #24

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Interesting thread.  I just got back from a 5 day solo trip in Frontenac.  I took both on that trip and I do believe the chance of seeing a bear in that park is fairly slim.  Although,  they do have permanent bear hangs on some sites.  But why not be somewhat prepared?  Having them and having no idea on how to use them compared to having some knowledge is a factor on preparedness.  I usually will shoot a banger off once or twice a year in my backyard either on Canada Day or Labour day.  To make sure everything is still working etc.  I will go into a nearby bush and discharge the expired bear spray for practice.  But I think the choice is totally yours.  If having them helps you feel comfortable on a portage, campsite, or on any trip then its an investment that hopefully you will never have to use.  It goes with the other pieces of equipment that you carry and hope you never use.  First aid kit, emergency rations, the extra quarter you put in your sock so you can phone home in an emergency.  (Did I just age myself?)


6/25/2016 8:55 pm  #25

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

I'll second what John said about the big adult male bears. That is what I am afraid off. I have never worried about young bears or even females with Cubs. It's the 300+ lbs brun that scares the $@#% out of me. I hitched a ride out on Barron Cannon Rd last Fall with two guys from the forestry dept. and the one fellow regailed me with stories of the lumber camps in the park that were " deep in brun territory". As he said, " when one would come into camp and huff, huff, you realized how small you were. Ahubbs...... I would have had a little chocolate puddin' in my panties faced with that situation. Suffice to say the bear bangers, flares, spray, and my hunting knife all come with me!

"Anyone can make love in a canoe, it's a Canadian who knows enough to take out the centre thwart!        Bahahaha!
                                                                      - Philip Chester

6/26/2016 11:30 am  #26

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray


6/28/2016 11:29 am  #27

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

PaPaddler wrote:

Neither.  We make enough noise when traveling through portages to alert the local fauna of our presence.  Of the twenty or so black bears I've seen in the wild while hunting, fishing, camping, etc. I have never had one do anything but run like a deer when I was winded, seen or heard.  I assume there have been many more that scurried away unseen, unheard and un-smelled due to their awareness of my presence before I was aware of theirs.

If I run into a deadly bear, it will be my time.  I sleep like a baby knowing that the likelihood of me being killed by a falling tree is far greater so I listen more for the crack of a tree trunk than for the snap of a branch under a bruin's foot.

I am in the same boat as you.
Over 14 years in the park we've only encountered one bear and it was coming out of a tree ahead of us as we were coming down the trail. It ran off.

Last year while in Killarney we had a cottager come to our site and yell at us from their boat that there was a bear and a cub about 50 yards down the shoreline. We made lots of noise, played some music from one of the cell phones we had and kept our eyes peeled but never saw anything.

Reading all of this makes me wonder about getting spray, but we're always walking (we're predominantly hikers) and talking and I usually have my bear bell rattling that we don't worry too much about bears...


6/28/2016 9:43 pm  #28

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Like others here, I carry both bangers and spray.  I know that I will probably never need them.  Still, as I mostly solo trip these days, I have a lingering concern about being confronted while alone by a nuisance bear--having seen several warning signs posted in the park, advising of nuisance bear activity on certain lakes--or by a predacious bear.  I keep the bangers and spray in a fanny pack I wear most of the time, and at night keep them in a specific location in my tent, where I can reach them in the dark during any pant-sh!tting events.  But really, I know they really just make me feel more comfortable, and it's extremely unlikely I'll ever need them.


9/13/2016 2:15 pm  #29

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

My closest encounter was last fall, portaging on a trail, came around a corner and Mr. Bear was about 100ft away and already up on his hind legs looking at me.....I reached down, grabbed a branch off the ground and started banging it off the side of the canoe.  The bear tucked down and bolted immediately....
I learned two things: Noise works and if a bear REALLY wanted to take me out, from 50-100ft range, I'd have just enough time to inhale a breath of air before it was on me, it was that fast.

Despite that, I'm not concerned enough for the bangers or really trust the sprays.
It would appear the general trend on this thread is of bear encounters being quite rare, and that's been my experience as well, yet it seems to be a disproportionally large preoccupation for most of the campers I encounter in the park and on this board (that's probably for the best). 
I too make plenty of noise in the bush and sleep quite comfortably at night knowing the chances (in the back country....campgrounds are a completely different situation) of me running into a "revenant bear" are slim to none.  I also "mark" my territory around the campsite to let all the animals know they have a visitor....


9/13/2016 4:29 pm  #30

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

​When traveling with a group, I don't think too much about bear spray or deterrants. Rogue Bears don't attack groups. They used to say you need to travel in a group of 4 people when in Bear Country. I don't remeber the name of the park; but, somewhere out west that was a requirement for hiking a particular trail. Then a group of 4 was 'attacked'. Now they say you need to hike in groups of 5! LOL

For an individual, Bear Spray is the most effective deterrent available to us. All the bear experts agree on this. There is no better alternative. Even having a gun has shown to be less effective (statistically speaking). If you don't bring Bear Spray when you travel in bear country, then you are comfortable in your belief that you will not encounter an aggressive bear. But, what if you do?

In 2013, near Timmins, a MNR biologist was stalked and charged multiple times by a bear. The battle, you could call it that, lasted 45 minutes. While he used lot's of techniques to fend off the bear, there is no question he would have died if he didn't have Bear Spray. When asked what he would do differently in the future, he responded, "bring two cans." 

Last edited by MartinG (9/14/2016 10:10 am)


9/13/2016 5:38 pm  #31

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

I always carry my bear spray with me. This year I became more lax and instead of keeping it on my hip in a holster, I was ok with packing it and then keeping it with me once I get to a campsite. It's always with me at the campsite though, and right beside me while I sleep... just in case.  I'm also more cautious when travelling solo or with a small group.

A bear can run, climb, and swim better than you. If a bear wants to attack you, you're not getting away, you're only option is to make him get away. I still haven't needed to use my spray, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures

9/14/2016 6:58 am  #32

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

So just a reminder about the rut as we get firmly into Sept. My wife and I had a young bull none to happy with us on a recent trip. Bear spray was out I assure you.

Also I almost walked right into a bull on a portage in Aug. turned a corner and he was right there. Early Aug so he just walked off into the woods as I retreated but if that had happened in fall I could have been in real trouble. For me the spray stays handy in a thwart bag attached to the front of my canoe pack.

Last edited by ShawnD (9/14/2016 7:00 am)

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

9/19/2016 7:20 am  #33

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

TBH - bears don't worry me - every time I've seen a black bear it's their rear end running away. 
Including a hike to high falls ( the one at the south tip of Algonquin) where we came between a mom and her cubs - just yelled hey and all 3 took off

Now I am scared of moose ( especially the Bulls ) because when I've encountered a moose - they seem to challenge - I had several stand their ground , stare me down and huff and puff

And of course chipmunks  - they like to try to get into my food bag when making dinner :-)

I don't carry bangers or spray


9/19/2016 8:06 pm  #34

Re: Bear Bangers or Spray

Anyone who is really worried about bears could consider bringing along a portable electric fence for their campsite.   Several friends of mine used such a fence on a recent trip down the Seal River in Manitoba.  Mind you, the area they were traveling through is frequented by polar bears at that time of year so their concern about bears was quite understandable!   If anyone would be interested in acquiring a second hand portable electric fence, drop me a line and I can put you in touch with them.


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