I've added another trip report to my site, which is of my most recent camping trip in July of last year. It's my wife's fault camping season ended so early for me - apparently 'expecting a baby' was a reason I shouldn't go camping. It was meant to be a 9-day trip but it didn't quite turn out that way; I think I was feeling guilty being away from my pregnant wife. In any case it was an absolutely fantastic trip, and I hope you enjoy the read. Lots of photos and videos.
Great trip log. What program did you use to put it together? Looks really professional.
Thanks! I work in the software industry, but I'm no web designer so can't take any credit for the 'professional' part of things. When I registered my domain I went looking for easy, online editing software, and I what I ended up using is Weebly ( While they will let you create a site there and then export it to host elsewhere, you'd of course then lose access to their tools, so in effect by using their web editing software you're going to end up paying them to host your website. But they have a free hosting option (just gets branded with Weebly footers) or what I'm using, the 'starter' plan which is only $5 / month (US).
So far I'm pretty happy. No super advanced tools but it does what I need and is very easy to use.
Wow you are determined (and in great shape)! Was this something of a challenge to prove you can navigate a portage heavy canoe route in Kayak? I couldn't imagine doing this with a 65 pound kayak. Bundling and un bundling your gear for every port.
Martin: 50 pound kayak and 30-35 pounds of gear. And no, not really in that great of shape. I booked this route on short notice after Lavielle got closed due to blue-green algae, but then my original trip was also portage heavy. I don't shy away from portages any more. Between the yoke I use and the way I pack my gear, I really don't find portage-heavy routes that big of a deal. But that being said I'd still prefer one 5k portage over ten 500 meter ones. The packing and unpacking does add a bit of time.
But I do end up booking some very long travel days - ones there's no possible way I could do solo in a canoe. On the last day of this trip I went from Catfish to Kiosk, which is pushing 50 kilometers. On the whole I'd say the kayak gives me far more mobility and freedom, especially on solo trips, than I'd ever have in a canoe.
Awesome trip report! This loop is one I've already planned out for this year or next and your report confirmed it for me.
Thanks for sharing! The sunny weather over the past few days has me super itchy to be out on the water. Your photos are both soothing the itch and increasing it!
Just finished the trip log and videos. Nice report. Congratulations on your new baby girl!
Thanks for the comments! The way the weather had been up until recently I thought maybe we'd be camping soon, but the two week forecast looks like winter isn't quite done with us yet. Guess I'll have time to write up another trip report or three.
My baby girl is going to force me to buy a canoe eventually. Try as I might, I can't think of a way to stuff a wife, a baby and a dog into my kayak.
Hey Uppa, nice log, great pics and very honest videos. Well done! I'll be honest, being a die-hard canoe addict, my initial reading of your post above about the advantages of kayak over canoe provoked a negative response. However, a read through your log covering one of my favourite sections of the park calmed me down and took me to this much more sympathetic post, Lol. Actually I'm sitting here thinking we must have crossed paths on the Pet during your descent to Catfish as the timing was identical (my girlfriend and I were on our way up to Burntroot that very day (Tuesday July 14?) But it's funny I don't remember encountering a kayaker . . . or do I??? Hey wait a minute -- bottom end of Catfish, late morning?? Do you remember encountering a couple in a red canoe --- aw, that's silly, who remembers details like that? Ha ha.
Cheers and here's to more trip reports!
Hey Trillium,
One thing about solo camping is that I have lots of time to film videos, so when my memory fails I can check the official record ;). For every minute of video I might post in a trip log I've probably filmed 30. But yeah, I remember running into you, and I double-checked my 'recap' video from Shangri La to confirm. You two were the last people I encountered that day, but I passed by two big groups first also on the Petawawa - you might have caught up to them. The first was a group of 8 who had actually left someone behind at Brent who wasn't feeling well, and the second was a group of teenagers, like 6 - 9 of them. I think all of you were headed to Burntroot so even if you didn't catch them you likely saw them on the lake.
Understood about the 'die-hard' business - I'm most definitely that way about my kayak. When I tell people I camp Algonquin in a kayak the reaction from experienced trippers is usually wondering if I'm a little touched in the head. It may be why I end up doing the occasional super long travel day, as if I'm proving some kind of point.
Cool! We did run into both groups--one at the final portage from Perley into Burntroot, the other on a campsite further down the lake where they were waiting out storm conditions while we set up camp.
Re. use of the kayak, hey whatever floats your boat (poor pun fully intended). It wouldn't be for me for sure--just too much hassle on either end of the portages, plus I was raised a canoeist and just love them--but if it means that much to you and you can hack it, I fully support your craziness!