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1/03/2025 9:24 pm  #1

WIA 827


1/04/2025 11:16 am  #2

Re: WIA 827



1/04/2025 4:22 pm  #3

Re: WIA 827

West of Lavaque

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1/04/2025 4:27 pm  #4

Re: WIA 827

Wendigo portage into Allen Lake? 


1/04/2025 6:08 pm  #5

Re: WIA 827

Good guess but not there. Further west still.

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1/04/2025 8:14 pm  #6

Re: WIA 827

Club Lake?


1/05/2025 8:51 am  #7

Re: WIA 827

Getting closer

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1/05/2025 3:13 pm  #8

Re: WIA 827

Approaching the P585 from Manitou into North Tea?


1/05/2025 5:36 pm  #9

Re: WIA 827

Getting closer

     Thread Starter

1/06/2025 10:17 am  #10

Re: WIA 827

Is that Kiosk end of the portage to Manitou?


1/06/2025 12:31 pm  #11

Re: WIA 827

Close enough. This is the Amable du Fond between the 320 and 290 before it flows into Kiosk. You are up Rob!

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1/09/2025 1:50 pm  #12

Re: WIA 827

Given that's been a few days and I haven't posted a new WIA yet, If someone else wants to go ahead it's fine with me. 


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