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9/02/2024 6:38 am  #1

Tom Thomson Route: Achray to Basin Depot

For several months in the summer of 1916 Tom Thomson worked as a fire ranger based out of Achray on Grand Lake. During that time Thomson made frequent trips “by canoe and tote road to Basin Depot for supplies and mail” (Addison 1974).

For some years we had talked about trying to retrace the route Thomson would have followed from Lower Spectacle Lake to Basin Depot. In May of 2020 we explored the first section of the route from Basin Depot to Carcajou Creek. The focus of this trip was to cover more of the route – this time from Basin Depot to Lower Spectacle Lake. We set out from Basin Depot at sunrise on Aug. 23 on the trail that runs along the west side of Basin Lake.

I have tried to present more of the history of the area in this report.



9/02/2024 7:55 am  #2

Re: Tom Thomson Route: Achray to Basin Depot

Wonderful report!

I was thoroughly absorbed in this trek. In 2008 I paddled Carcajou Creek to the point where the road crosses it and remember the spot where the old bridge would have crossed the road. At the time, it was obvious where the bridge would have been. I don't recognize the spot in your pictures at all. Amazing how seasons, water levels and time can change the look of a place.

I love the treks you and your brother take. Nice to read the little bit of history at the end of this one.


9/03/2024 12:42 pm  #3

Re: Tom Thomson Route: Achray to Basin Depot

Thanks, Martin.  You're right about how quickly a spot can change, especially if it is low lying and near water. In the case of Carcajou Creek the growth of alders and the work of beavers has changed the look of the place dramatically -- and that's just over a period of 4 years.

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9/09/2024 3:08 pm  #4

Re: Tom Thomson Route: Achray to Basin Depot

A good read, thank you for sharing!


9/18/2024 1:14 pm  #5

Re: Tom Thomson Route: Achray to Basin Depot

I love reading your stories about hiking the less traveled routes in the park. I've had a couple of small adventures bushwhacking and hiking and it's a very different experience than a typical canoe route. I hope to do more but until then I'll just keep reading your stories and getting immersed in the adventure.


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