Curious to know where you get the music for youtube videos. I seem to recall on the old forum there was a website with free music that is not copyrighted (?) that can be used without your video being taken down. I couldn't find the link. Was hoping someone was willing to share the link?
YouTube has some that you can add directly using the YouTube tools. Most video editing tools seem to come with some music as well. Adding music to my videos is one piece that I haven't spent much time on although it can be a real plus.
I just use the YouTube library, but occasionally my daughter finds me a royalty free song to use. I should some more time finding better music too, or record myself banjo or guitar picking, which really, no one outside of my home needs to hear.
Here are a few of my favorites...
Any time you see a youtube video with music you like, if that music is freely available to use, it probably has a music credit somewhere in the video or description.
I use copyrighted music. Unless you are trying to make money from your videos it is rarely an issue.
Thanks for the links! I've been checking the descriptions in the videos for links and have seen a couple that you mentioned solo_lesta. I definitely would not be looking to make money so maybe I'll try and see.