I came across this tree that looks like it could be a trail tree or marker tree. I haven't heard of any in Algonquin Park but I figured it could make a lot of sense. If my memory serves me right, I THINK this was at the entrance of the portage from Head Creek into Cache Lake, or perhaps the second to last portage along Head Creek.
Here is a photo:
What do you guys think?
What is a marker tree?
Trail trees or trail marker trees are hardwood trees throughout North America that Native Americans intentionally shaped with distinctive characteristics that convey that the tree was shaped by human activity rather than deformed by nature or disease.[1] A massive network of constructed pre-Columbian roads and trails has been well documented across the Americas, and in many places remnants can still be found of trails used by hunters and gatherers. One unique characteristic of the trail marker tree is a horizontal bend several feet off the ground, which makes it visible at greater distances, even in snow. Even today, modern hunters look for horizontal shapes while hunting deer, elk and moose.
Wikipedia Link: