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12/14/2020 3:44 pm  #18

Re: WiA #418

Little Mink?


12/14/2020 4:44 pm  #19

Re: WiA #418

ok, a road eh,, brent/opeongo road,,


12/14/2020 5:15 pm  #20

Re: WiA #418

Not Little Mink. The road looks like this.

     Thread Starter

12/14/2020 9:15 pm  #21

Re: WiA #418

Rain Lake Road just before the access point lot.


12/14/2020 9:17 pm  #22

Re: WiA #418

Road leading to Brule. Brule Lilly pond portage. Where you think you can put in on lily pond but can't lol.


12/15/2020 10:12 am  #23

Re: WiA #418

I can't make the details in the first picture quite work but the road reminds me of the bay on Canoe L. to the east of Mowat Cemetery.  And that does check the " more traffic" hint.  


12/15/2020 1:06 pm  #24

Re: WiA #418

We have a winner! You are up GordK. This spot sees more canoe traffic than anywhere in Algonquin. I am standing on the road through Mowat on Canoe Lake. Goog automatically made a video of my last trip to the cemetery


     Thread Starter

12/16/2020 10:36 am  #25

Re: WiA #418

The angle of your first photo makes the bay seemed more closed off than i recall.  Saw a moose and calf in the swampy bit heading from road to cemetery when visiting with my kids this past June on a day trip.  My youngest had asked about seeing moose when we entered the park and I had said we were likely going to be too close to people. 

Will have to test photo posting, and will get something up shortly. 


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