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11/11/2020 6:57 am  #1

WIA #412


11/11/2020 8:40 am  #2

Re: WIA #412



11/11/2020 12:26 pm  #3

Re: WIA #412

Surely not.

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11/11/2020 11:19 pm  #4

Re: WIA #412



11/12/2020 9:58 am  #5

Re: WIA #412


(I had thought Shirley was a good guess)


11/12/2020 9:59 am  #6

Re: WIA #412

North of 60

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11/12/2020 10:00 am  #7

Re: WIA #412

Not Booth

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11/12/2020 10:51 am  #8

Re: WIA #412

Burnt Island?

Trip Reports & Campsite Pictures

11/12/2020 2:05 pm  #9

Re: WIA #412

Not Burnt Island

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11/12/2020 3:51 pm  #10

Re: WIA #412

Whitson near a campsite and looking downstream?


11/12/2020 5:58 pm  #11

Re: WIA #412

West of Whitson. Not such a big hint, Haha.

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11/12/2020 6:13 pm  #12

Re: WIA #412

North of 60 and west of Whitson eh?

That doesn’t leave a lot of options.


Last edited by ShawnD (11/12/2020 6:15 pm)


11/12/2020 6:34 pm  #13

Re: WIA #412

I have no idea what you would be doing there in a canoe with kevlar gunwalls but Traverse?

Last edited by Rob (11/12/2020 6:35 pm)


11/12/2020 7:48 pm  #14

Re: WIA #412

Not Shippagew Shawn. Good thinking Rob. Only Peek goes down the Pet with Kevlar gunnels. Not Travers.

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11/13/2020 1:18 pm  #15

Re: WIA #412

How about Longer?



11/13/2020 2:00 pm  #16

Re: WIA #412

Hows about Lavieille narrowing into lower Crow?


11/13/2020 4:01 pm  #17

Re: WIA #412

Not Longer or Lavieille nor anywhere beginning with an L.

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