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10/28/2020 12:44 pm  #1

WiA #406


10/28/2020 2:04 pm  #2

Re: WiA #406

Peek crik?


10/28/2020 2:05 pm  #3

Re: WiA #406

Perhaps one day... BUT, oddly, you are sort of on the right track.

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10/28/2020 5:04 pm  #4

Re: WiA #406

Martin river?


10/28/2020 5:43 pm  #5

Re: WiA #406

Brandon Brook?


10/29/2020 7:08 am  #6

Re: WiA #406

lol both you smart asses are still on the right track!

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10/29/2020 7:42 am  #7

Re: WiA #406

Based on where you like to go and looking for an unnamed river/creek that could be christened after Peek. Total guess, Robitaille.


10/29/2020 8:12 am  #8

Re: WiA #406

Not Robitaille and I promise this is a named creek, on an official canoe route. And as usual, north of and away from hwy 60.

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10/29/2020 8:53 am  #9

Re: WiA #406

Amable Du Fond??? Between Round lake and the first portage?


10/29/2020 8:58 am  #10

Re: WiA #406

Tim River?  Looks like the spot where an adult moose reluctantly got out of the river and stood on the bank with its rear hanging out over the water to let us pass - bloody tourists!


10/29/2020 9:02 am  #11

Re: WiA #406

White Partridge Cr?

Wild Guess..Closest cr to Peek lake..

Last edited by ShawnD (10/29/2020 9:05 am)

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

10/29/2020 10:02 am  #12

Re: WiA #406

Some good guesses so far but - nowhere along the Mab, or Tim. Not WPC either, great creek tho.

Closest in proximity so far would be Tim R.


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10/29/2020 12:21 pm  #13

Re: WiA #406

David Creek?


10/29/2020 1:05 pm  #14

Re: WiA #406

MooseWhizzer Dave wrote:

David Creek?

Nailed it.

You're up MWD!!

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10/29/2020 4:41 pm  #15

Re: WiA #406

I've never traversed that creek, but it is central to a route that I really want to take one day, so I've looked at images and the map a lot.  In that section it looks more like the Suez Canal than a creek.  OK, I'll find something to post!


10/29/2020 5:02 pm  #16

Re: WiA #406

What's really interesting about that creek is, it's super wide (well, not super wide.. but wide) at the portage landing end, for about 1.5 - 2km. Then it becomes narrow... and more so.. and so much so that I  questioned if I had made a wrong turn. I didnt, but there were a solid few minutes where I thought I may have.

Luckily, Unlostify will premiere a new feature (among many) on their new APP map regarding this exact type of scenario and having previewed it, I will admit it instantly took the 'did I make a wrong turn?' out of my head (in this case at least).

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