Different seasons, same spot. Taken from the end of a portage - which one?
Taken from end of portage from Wet Lake to Sec Lake.
Kinda reminds me of Brule from the lily pond portage.
The 155M portage from Burntroot into Perley?
Proulx Lake from Opeongo portage?
Last edited by boknows (3/18/2020 9:48 pm)
Opeongo L from the Proulx L portage?
No, no and no!
All guesses are very far away from the this place. The closest (which really isn't close, but its the closest guess so far) would be Bo's Wet to Sec.
hmmm....portage from Aylen River to Alsever Lake?
Bo DOES know!
This is indeed Alsever Lake as seen from P670.
You're up, Bo!
Last edited by Peek (3/19/2020 10:01 am)
Good one Peek with your photo! Lucky guess by me due to a process of eliminating lakes closer to other guesses than mine of Wet Lake to Sec.
Now by the powers invested in me by being a member of this site, I cede to the first person who wishes to post a photo as I do not carry a camera with me when I canoe Algonquin so have no photos to post.
Good luck to the first early bird!
Where are all the early birds in posting a photo? I am getting bored just staying inside and need to play WiA again.