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4/17/2019 9:54 pm  #1

WIA #271

Might as well give this a try... disregard the quality! 

Good luck

Last edited by Evan Briden (4/18/2019 9:04 am)


4/17/2019 10:53 pm  #2

Re: WIA #271

Might just be me but I do not see a picture


4/17/2019 11:17 pm  #3

Re: WIA #271

working now?

     Thread Starter

4/18/2019 5:09 am  #4

Re: WIA #271

No. If you are trying to link a pic from Google Photos it can be tricky. You can see the pic fine, even though others cannot. To make it work I first save the pic to a shared album. I have an album just for forum posts called 'shared stuff'. Then copy the image url from that shared album, not the url of the original pic. Depending on the forum you may find you also have to remove 's' in 'https' from the URL.


4/18/2019 5:58 am  #5

Re: WIA #271

Vanishing Pond?

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

4/18/2019 7:28 am  #6

Re: WIA #271

ShawnD wrote:

Vanishing Pond?



4/18/2019 7:28 am  #7

Re: WIA #271

"Un-named Lake"?


4/18/2019 7:43 am  #8

Re: WIA #271

" Ghost Lake " ?


4/18/2019 7:45 am  #9

Re: WIA #271

you guys are hilarious.... i am at work now, so maybe IT can help me out haha

     Thread Starter

4/18/2019 8:28 am  #10

Re: WIA #271

If I copy and paste your link in a browser, then I get prompted to login to Sharepoint so it is probably a permissions issue. 


4/18/2019 9:04 am  #11

Re: WIA #271

this is my last attempt... I see it, so hopefully you all can see it!

     Thread Starter

4/18/2019 9:10 am  #12

Re: WIA #271

Nope, nothing showing. You probably have permissions to access the file, which isn't publicly visible. 


4/18/2019 9:12 am  #13

Re: WIA #271

I see it. ( back at the top) and is it Big Bob eastern point site.?

Last edited by ShawnD (4/18/2019 9:13 am)

We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it.
 - George Washington Sears

4/18/2019 9:48 am  #14

Re: WIA #271

I don't see it and if I follow the long link it asks me to sign into Google. Can you try uploading it to and then using their link?


4/18/2019 10:17 am  #15

Re: WIA #271

it is indeed Big Bob eastern site... one of my favourite views. You are up Shawn!

     Thread Starter

Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.