Here's a log of our fourth annual trip, this time out of Opeongo and visiting Happy Isle, Big Trout, Hogan, Big Crow, Lavielle, Round Island, and Booth:
It was another great trip for us!
Good stuff Shaggy! That's a great loop you guys did. I've been on all parts of it, but not in a single trip. I picked up a (single) leech enroute to Lavieille myself, the first one I've actually ever had attached to me in Algonquin if you can believe it. The little container of salt I keep in my PFD finally got to be used!
You stayed on the same Round Island site I was hunkered down on for days waiting for a rainstorm/snowstorm to finally pass. I never even had a chance to look at any of the other sites on the lake, so I'm glad it seems I picked the best one. And yeah, the portages between Round Island and Booth, cumulatively, are quite the kick in the ass aren't they?
That section marked the first time I've ever had a leach latch on in Algonquin as well!
We all agreed we would do the 4800m+ portage from Dickson to Round Island twice before trying the section between Round Island and Booth again...
Great looking trip and some good photos. My initial reactions was 'wow, that's a loooong route' but looking at the daily breakdown...none looked particularly difficult and I'm sure the rest day was a welcome interlude! You also seem to be a group of early risers and that helps to get some miles behind you before many have rubbed the sleep out of their eyes.
We, too, have had the displeasure of the divine smell of bacon wafting on the morning breeze as we paddle past a campsite...we merely reinforce our advantage of "we'll have a fine meal when we arrive at the primo site on the next lake and they can smell our food as they pass by!"
Awesome trip report! Thanks for sharing.