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2/26/2018 3:46 pm  #1

Where in APP 235


2/26/2018 3:56 pm  #2

Re: Where in APP 235

Between Stratton and St. Andrews?
'...a man is part of his canoe and therefore part of all it knows. The instant he dips a paddle he flows as it flows.’ Sigurd Olson

2/26/2018 9:46 pm  #3

Re: Where in APP 235

I could see why you would guess that but no, not there. West of that (LOL).

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2/27/2018 6:56 am  #4

Re: Where in APP 235

I have no clue yet to make a guess but have to say, great looking picture!


2/27/2018 9:06 am  #5

Re: Where in APP 235

Nip @ High Dam


2/27/2018 11:44 am  #6

Re: Where in APP 235


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2/27/2018 12:11 pm  #7

Re: Where in APP 235

I demand a recount!  Peek's never wrong.  It does look like the nip by volume, but not any part of it that I've seen.


2/27/2018 12:47 pm  #8

Re: Where in APP 235

for some reason i want to say put in at Macdonald Raps..


2/27/2018 1:03 pm  #9

Re: Where in APP 235

Not McDonald Raps.
I'm also not going to say whether the Nip is right or wrong. I need a bit more than the name of the river.
Did I mention that Peek was wrong?
He was wrong!
Maybe this is some place that Peek has never been!?!  coff, he has been here

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2/27/2018 2:44 pm  #10

Re: Where in APP 235

Peek's been everywhere, man 
Across Algonquin's lakes, man
Drank the Nip's waters, man
Breathed the forest air, man
Travel he's had his share, man
Peek wins every WIA, man!


2/27/2018 4:26 pm  #11

Re: Where in APP 235

North River above Clamshell 390m Portage? 


2/27/2018 4:54 pm  #12

Re: Where in APP 235

Good guess, certainly look like that area. But, no not the North River. South of there!

     Thread Starter

2/28/2018 9:49 am  #13

Re: Where in APP 235

Crow River 1220m portage?
'...a man is part of his canoe and therefore part of all it knows. The instant he dips a paddle he flows as it flows.’ Sigurd Olson

2/28/2018 3:53 pm  #14

Re: Where in APP 235

lol, PA haha I'll take it!

Martin says I've been here, but if it's not High Dam on the Nip then I haven't the slightest clue where it is.


2/28/2018 6:34 pm  #15

Re: Where in APP 235

Not anywhere on the Nip or the Crow. This is a named spot.

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2/28/2018 8:06 pm  #16

Re: Where in APP 235

Gut Rapids?
'...a man is part of his canoe and therefore part of all it knows. The instant he dips a paddle he flows as it flows.’ Sigurd Olson

2/28/2018 8:40 pm  #17

Re: Where in APP 235

Nope. North of there. Between North of Gut, South of the North River, and West of St. Andrews I'm really narrowing it down for you. Ha ha ha!

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