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9/10/2017 7:53 pm  #1

Where in Algonquin? #184

Where is it?


9/10/2017 8:45 pm  #2

Re: Where in Algonquin? #184

Double Devils Staircase?


9/10/2017 9:14 pm  #3

Re: Where in Algonquin? #184

Well that was too easy!

Martin, you're up!

     Thread Starter

9/11/2017 12:52 pm  #4

Re: Where in Algonquin? #184

It was a recognizable spot!

Also, If you click on the pic it takes you to your website and displays the pic with this caption, "The last section of the portage down to Little Coon gives the portage its name, the "Double Devil's Staircase." Luckily I'm not climbing it." 

I really did know the spot. Discovered the link afterwards.LOL!

Last edited by MartinG (9/11/2017 12:52 pm)


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