Anyone been up to White Gull Lake recently? I'm thinking it would be a fun overnight, or maybe a day trip, depending on how unmaintained those portages are.
about 15 years ago I did it for a day trip. No clue how the portages are today though. I did it for the same reason you are thinking...its there; and I've never been there. Never had any desire to go back but it was a nice day. Can't remember what type of canoe I carried (either a swift otter or shearwater) but I did take a brand new paddle with me that I still use every year.
...don't know about portages, but wouldn't go in there to fish.
Not to worried about the fishing, I mainly just want to go because it's there.
Well then, you won't know about the portage until you see it yourself. Time will tell.
Nothing stands out from the trip in my memory but it wasn't raining and the bugs weren't bad. Choose your day wisely. Go early and if you can, spend the night.
I'm back to looking at this one again. Anyone used the A42 access to park? What's it like?
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it as a fishing destination. I can't name names because, internet. But there is some great Brook Trout in that area.