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Trip Planning » December Planning » 12/30/2019 3:39 pm

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I went there last year september from North Tea, as soon as I headed south to Cayuga lake, I saw maybe 1 other paddler on that string of lakes to pishnecka the whole weekend. Saw lots of wildlife. I was the only person camping on every lake but pishnecka where one other campsite was preoccupied.

Trip Reports » May 07-10 Trip: cold, wet and 0 fish...again! :( » 5/15/2019 8:06 am

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What was your fishing style/method? Lures used, areas on the lake targeted? 

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 5/09/2019 1:23 pm

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Yea, I read that. When APP called today about my reservation I asked them about 'backcountry' versus 'day-use' and she led me to believe that if you need to portage to the lake it's backcountry. Only the lakes that the open campgrounds are on would be available for day use. 
Although she did say she wasn't 100% on that. 

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 5/08/2019 9:15 pm

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martin2007 wrote:

Paddlerunner: everything is possible! Ice, bugs, freezing nights, rain, sleet, snow and a killer heatwave. New, deeper ice forming to prevent access to portage put-ins and takeouts. Did I mention tornadoes? Damn, I forgot about them! But who would have thunk it? APP Interior closed till May 14 or 15?  In Park bulletins, phone calls, and emails the two dates seem to have happily morphed into some sort of bureaucratic two-days-in-one synthesis not unlike the half-man, half-fly in Cronenberg's movie, "The Fly". I agree, the original movie was better, but there I go again dating myself. Well, no one else will date me!

Paddlerunner, it sounds like you're engaging in the inevitable pre-departure ritual of last-minute additions. Isn't it fun? Nothing shall be subtracted during those final frantic hours before departure. Only additions are allowed. Today after much meditation and considerable see-sawing I bravely exchanged my 25-litre olive barrel for a gaping-mouthed 50-litre monster barrel to accommodate a few last-minute comfort items such as subsistence rations to ward off murderous hunger pangs and general lethargy, a proper frypan instead of the lame lightweight sticky thing I'd first opted for__it was too small to roast a mature chestnut in!__ a chunk of Stilton, a second container of whiskey, some more brownish-grey food I just took out of the dehydrator, and my Helinox chair (I was deluded into believing I could do without it for a 10-day trip. What was I thinking, anyway? I haven't tripped without a chair since 1994!

Ok, I'm going to be busting my ass double-portaging all this stuff into trout waters, risking life, limb, and whatever's left of my reputation as certified canoe-guy, and what is worrying me now? No flyrod! What?Goddammit, bring her along! What a shame to go all that way and not be able to cast a fly into those cold trout-infested waters. Settled!  Now, two rain jackets or one? Cliff Jacobson says two. On the other hand, I'm not

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 5/08/2019 3:51 pm

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Does anyone know if you are allowed to portage to lakes on a day trip if the 'backcountry' is closed? Could one stay at Mew lake campground and go canoeing/fishing on day trips to surrounding lakes even if it takes a portage or two to get there? 

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 4/20/2019 5:23 pm

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AlgonquinLakes wrote:

Opening day has been officially pushed back to May 3. It feels like even that might be optimistic. Sigh.


Where do you read this?

Catch-all Discussions » ice out 2019 - too early to discuss? » 3/26/2019 11:50 am

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We are about 40-50 cm of snow behind of last year at this time according to the snow cover on . You can go back to March 2018 and compare to March 2019.  
Based on that it's not looking promising. 

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