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Trip Planning » Opeongo Water taxi » 4/10/2024 9:16 pm

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boknows wrote:

OTCanadienne wrote:

It's not per person but per trip. Each trip is $158. If you are the only one then unfortunately you are stuck with the whole bill unless you can hop on with another group. It is not extra for dogs to my knowledge.

First, there are two companies who give this taxi service on Opeongo Lake.  One is Algonquin Outfitters who operate the store on Opeongo, and the other is Opeongo Outfitters who operate from their store in Whitney which is not far from Opeongo Lake.

Second, the most I have ever paid on one of these taxis is $53 which included two other groups.  But this was about 10 years ago.  With the cost of gas these days , the taxi service fee has to cover the cost of the gas used by the two 100hp motors on these taxi boats.  Personally, I think $158 is outrageous for a 1-way trip to the eastern arm of Opeongo and which I would never pay  being a solo fisherman with canoe and gear.  But for a party of 2 and 1 canoe and gear so cost per person is $79.  And this $79 will save you around 3 - 4 hours paddling time when Opeongo is in a nice mood instead of an ugly mood.  And yes, dogs are at no charge.

Agreed it is too expensive and I should have clarified that this price is through Algonquin Outfitters and is current as it is booked for this May. Split between 4 people it's not too bad and worth it to me to bot have to paddle Opeongo. I do believe Opeongo Outfitters is cheaper but I was renting my canoe through AO so went with them out of convenience.

Trip Planning » Opeongo Water taxi » 4/08/2024 9:40 pm

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It's not per person but per trip. Each trip is $158. If you are the only one then unfortunately you are stuck with the whole bill unless you can hop on with another group. It is not extra for dogs to my knowledge.

Trip Planning » ICE-OUT Prediction 2024!! » 3/14/2024 11:38 am

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Swift Fifteen wrote:

OTCanadienne wrote:

I don't see bugs being out until their normal time - mid to end of May. I find ice out doesn't determine when bugs show up. Ultimately we are not going to have sustained temps at night above freezing at night until may and that's more determines when bugs show up.

"Ultimately"?  If one thing is for sure this spring, nothing is for sure. Black flies don't have a calendar pinned above whatever fast moving river/stream they hatch from. The hatch is directly dependent on air/water temperature regardless of when that arrives and is sustained - March April May, it doesn't matter to them. No different than predicting the rut during the fall. They don't have calendars either, unfortunately.

As much as I'd prefer and hope for an early spring, I also hope the nights are sub-zero until at least first week of May or longer.  I would also like to see those pesky buggers come and go around their typically predictable time line. It makes planning fishing (and golf) easier, eh!

I guess what I was saying is that I doubt we will see sustained warm temperatures enough for blackflys until the usual time in May.

Moose actually do have a calendar for the rut! The rut is dictated by photoperiod as opposed to temperatures.

Enjoy your 2024 paddling season!

Trip Planning » ICE-OUT Prediction 2024!! » 3/08/2024 1:09 pm

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I don't see bugs being out until their normal time - mid to end of May. I find ice out doesn't determine when bugs show up. Ultimately we are not going to have sustained temps at night above freezing at night until may and that's more determines when bugs show up.

Trip Planning » AO Ice out contest 2023? » 4/03/2023 2:58 pm

Ya I noticed they didn't do it this year, too....not sure why?

Trip Planning » Algonquin Park Backcountry Camping Closure - April 1 to May 12, 2022. » 4/04/2022 8:57 am

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MartinG wrote:

While it's a bit more complicated than that, they open prior to that date if the ice goes out. That said, there are no signs of an early ice out. We are a couple of weeks behind where we were last year.

True but last year was an unusually early ice out. It still looks like this year will be an earlier than average ice out with looking at the forecast over the next 2 weeks. I'd be willing to bet that the park is open by spring trout opener.

Trip Planning » Lockdown extension? » 5/13/2021 10:02 pm

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Lenny wrote:

I stand with @ATVenture and have no problem with his actions. This is ridiculous. These lockdowns should have ended a year ago. 


Agreed. Especially knowing what we now know about the virus.

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/29/2021 2:20 pm

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Uppa wrote:

Anyone else think it's incredibly unlikely Ontario will re-open the province exactly in time for the May long weekend? Could you imagine the exodus to cottage country that day? 

I have a trip booked that starts on Friday the 21st, but I feel like I should be hedging my bets and making another booking for just after the long weekend. 

I hate to break it to you but people will be going anyway. I live it cottage country and there are tons of people up here every weekend

Trip Planning » Trips before May 21 cancelled by Ontario Parks » 4/24/2021 10:39 am

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Mine hasn't been cancelled yet either (May 14-23)

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/23/2021 12:21 am

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keg wrote:

OTCanadienne wrote:

That's absurd. You are provided significant protection even after a single dose.

Not on day one as the  post implied.  Takes about two weeks to provide the reasonable level of immunity that  one dose provides.

I get what you are saying about wearing masks after full vaccination (as long  as new variants aren't an issue).  I would think that the need to wear a mask after is simple enforcement.  Without a secure vaccine passport, there is no way store or law enforcement could tell if you you are fully vaccinated or not (and I think most  people opposed to mask would freak out about vaccine passports).

You're correct that you are not protected right away. 11 days is the key number after which the body showed a robust immune response. But good to wait 14 days jutmstbto be safe.

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/23/2021 12:19 am

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trippythings wrote:

ShawnD wrote:

So the person vaccinated is likely fine yes but while we still have millions of people out there who want the vaccine and haven’t got it yet can we all remember that vaccinated people can still be asymptomatic carriers and infect others. Can we please wait till all people who want to be vaccinated are?

With the provinces current state and high case numbers, I think it's smart to mask and distance regardless of your vaccine status right now. Once we can get things under control then maybe start to ease up. But like you said Shawn, there's still a risk of someone vaccinated infecting others and right now there's just too much spread in the community and no ICU capacity to take that risk.

Again this is wrong. The available evidence does not agree with you. It's silly to still distance and mask post vaccination.

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/23/2021 12:17 am

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ShawnD wrote:

So the person vaccinated is likely fine yes but while we still have millions of people out there who want the vaccine and haven’t got it yet can we all remember that vaccinated people can still be asymptomatic carriers and infect others.  Can we please wait till all people who want to be vaccinated are?

That's incorrect. There was just a very good study published by the CDC that showed virtually no asymptotic infection post vaccination. In addition, even if there was some asymptotic infection, it is exceedingly rare for an asymptotic person to infect another individual even living within the same household (0.7% chance)

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/23/2021 12:13 am

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Jdbonney wrote:

OTCanadienne wrote:

Jdbonney wrote:

Awesome you got your first shot. Depending on which one it was you’ve got basically no coverage for a few weeks so don’t get too cocky.

Remember too that until you get your second shot the current advice is to act as though you have none.

That's absurd. You are provided significant protection even after a single dose.

Nevertheless that is the current, very good, advice.

It's terrible advice given the evidence that exists now

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/22/2021 7:27 pm

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petey wrote:

My May 14th trip is still in my reservation queue but typically they don't cancel and reimburse until close to the date. That was what I saw last year. They hang on to your money until the last minute? With that being said, I can't imagine them opening things before the 20th and also wonder why they will open just before a long weekend. Carrot and stick I suppose.

Got our first Pfizer yesterday. Smooth operation here in London with lots of friendly folks manning the ramparts. Even after the second dose we'll be still masking and distancing.

Masking and distancing after the second dose is ludicrous

Trip Planning » may 20 th opener on friends of algonquin park update sat apr 17th » 4/22/2021 7:25 pm

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Jdbonney wrote:

Awesome you got your first shot. Depending on which one it was you’ve got basically no coverage for a few weeks so don’t get too cocky.

Remember too that until you get your second shot the current advice is to act as though you have none.

That's absurd. You are provided significant protection even after a single dose.

Trip Planning » Early, historically "average" or late ice out this year? » 4/03/2021 8:15 am

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Jdbonney wrote:

OTCanadienne wrote:

Jdbonney wrote:

We’re all impressed with your level of disregard; thanks for sharing.

No problem! Enjoy your basement


I’ve spent more time hiking and exploring my town in the past year than many previous years combined.

If you want to go into Algonquin, or any other closed area for that matter, knock yourself out.  You won’t be alone no question of that. Most of the others won’t be bragging about it on an anonymous forum though.

You're right...some things are better off unsaid. Enjoy your Easter weekend.  Cheers.

Trip Planning » Early, historically "average" or late ice out this year? » 4/03/2021 8:14 am

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BarryB wrote:

Re "I'll be going regardless if the park is officially opened or closed"

The forum rules were set-up to dissuade certain practices.

#19. not promote the contravention of park rules or regulations.     might be considered more to the point.

Fair enough

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