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Fitness » Snow shovelling and paddling a good match » 1/02/2017 9:49 am

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Awesome picture!   If I shovelled that amount of snow I'd definitely have some injuries.  This season I jammed my shovel inadvertently into an ice chunk under a layer of light snow and reignited the slow burn in my right elbow.  It was a good reminder to focus on technique and the need for moderation if I wanted to take advantage of this snow. 

Fitness » Snow shovelling and paddling a good match » 12/31/2016 5:01 pm

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I'm having a great time shovelling the snow here in Simcoe County this season.   The snowfall is so frequent my stamina has been on a steady incline.   As I heft a loaded shovel over a high bank I can't help think how similar the movement is to hefting a barrel up on my back.  I had a good chuckle too as I noticed a rather efficient flip of the shovel as I switched sides, a movement mastered through many miles of solo paddling.   I was having such a good time I almost busted out into dance as I listened to "Can't Stop the Feeling! (Justin Timberlake) followed by "Bat out of Hell" (Meatloaf) and "Rocky Balboa."   Now that would have been something to see. I just might do it too as it'll put a smile on my neighbours' faces.  Happy shovelling folks.

Fitness » Knee Pain » 7/27/2016 8:59 am

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I have found stabilizing and strengthening exercises have been extremely effective for much of my knee pain.  I can now walk up stairs with no pain and down short steps.  The one I can not shake is the band of pain above both knees coming up off a kneel. I now have a solo boat which I usually don't kneel in. This has been great.  However, when I do whitewater I like to kneel.  

Many sports have well known classic injuries but information on lower body strains or injuries related to canoeing is difficult to find.  So far my physio and family doc haven't figured it out.  Posting on a canoeing forum can help establish if this is something many canoeist experience.   Their outcomes can help inform conversation when speaking with health professionals not familiar with our sport.  

I can't imagine ever not being out in the wild in some capacity.  I want to make sure I keep as fit and injury free as my aging body will allow.  



Fitness » Knee Pain » 7/21/2016 11:48 am

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As I get older the pain I get when getting up off my knees when kneeling in my canoe is barely bearable.  Tendon, cartilage, ligament, meniscus damage have been ruled out.  Arthritis is now being considered.  The pain seems to be linked to load bearing the knee while it's hyper flexed. Cycling also aggravates it but less so. Has anyone had a similar experience?   What have you found helpful?  

Campsite Cooking » backcountry baking » 3/31/2016 9:39 pm

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I haven't been able to find Kenneth.  Can you be more specific?  Thanks.

Catch-all Discussions » The Outdoor Adventure Show » 1/15/2016 3:59 pm

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