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Trip Planning » White Trout to Grassy Bay into McIntosh » 5/06/2018 8:24 am |
I paddled that section west to east in mid-June two years ago, and the current was calm. I don't think it would be difficult going east to west even in high water.
Trip Reports » Magnetawan to White Trout Loop » 7/29/2016 7:58 pm |
Fantastic trip report, and amazing photography. I love that island site on McIntosh--superb panoramic views. But I had similar experience to yours last year. The previous occupants had left a ton of garbage in and around the fire pit, including half-burned plastic bottles and charred meat, and like you, I launched an incineration mission for the burnable bits. I suppose such great sites along the primary routes attract all kinds of people, including the grossly inconsiderate. Anyway, thanks for sharing your trip in this great part of the Park.
Ethics » Leave No Trace » 7/04/2016 7:49 pm |
It's such a shame when folks show such a lack of respect. Last year, I cleaned up a significant mess on an island site on McIntosh Lake. There was, amongst many other things, a significant amount of half-charred garbage in the fire pit, including plastic bottles containing BBQ sauce and a fair amount of meat. In trying to incinerate the burnable bits, I ended up making the whole campsite--and probably some of my kit--smelling like cooking meat. I returned to the same fine site a few weeks ago, and fortunately, it was in great shape. Unfortunately though, the next day I had to clean up my site on Daisy! I suppose this problem has always existed, but it is still infuriating to encounter.
Trip Planning » Advice for Barron Canyon Trip on Sold-Out Long Weekend » 6/29/2016 8:34 am |
Haven't visited Length yet, but stayed on Marie last year and loved it. Was small and very picturesque, and the water was that beautiful, clear headwater-type you see in places. I expect that Length is similar. Length will be a great place to be during what is the busiest weekend in the Park.
I agree with MartinG about the portage. It's brutal, but definitely worth the effort. Recommend you prepare your novices for the ascent.
Equipment » Bear Bangers or Spray » 6/28/2016 9:43 pm |
Like others here, I carry both bangers and spray. I know that I will probably never need them. Still, as I mostly solo trip these days, I have a lingering concern about being confronted while alone by a nuisance bear--having seen several warning signs posted in the park, advising of nuisance bear activity on certain lakes--or by a predacious bear. I keep the bangers and spray in a fanny pack I wear most of the time, and at night keep them in a specific location in my tent, where I can reach them in the dark during any pant-sh!tting events. But really, I know they really just make me feel more comfortable, and it's extremely unlikely I'll ever need them.
Trip Planning » Queer or little trout? » 6/28/2016 7:40 pm |
Both are fine lakes. Queer Lake might have a better selection of Western-facing sites. And may be quieter too.
Trip Planning » BUGS » 6/20/2016 8:04 am |
Although the original poster is now presumably in the Park, I'll offer a bug update for anyone who might be interested, having just returned from a week-long trip. The black flies during the past week were surprisingly bad for this time of year, despite the considerable heat. Of course, mosquitoes are out in force now too, as are the usual deer flies that are prolific in June. A great trip can be had, though, with a bit of preparing. If your bug strategy includes bug repellant and having a bug-free environment at the campsite, such as a bug shelter--especially for the dawn/dusk periods--you'll have no worries. A great time to be in the Park right now, with the warm weather, and before the summer crowds arrive.
Trip Planning » July 9-Day Loop from Magnetawan » 3/31/2016 8:07 pm |
Misty to White Trout in a day is no problem. I did this last summer on a solo trip, using the Pet River route, and double-carrying on the portages. Took maybe six hours or so, and it's a fantastic paddle.
Trip Planning » North West Corner » 2/28/2016 7:16 pm |
Hey Dave,
This route is on my to-do list too. I love the North and Northwest part of the Park, but I haven't done this section yet.
Being mostly a solo tripper, though, a posting I saw on this board of Shad Lake being haunted is kind of creepy!
Nonetheless, I intend to brave it. Hopefully someone chimes in here about this section.
Trip Planning » 3 day trip » 2/04/2016 10:18 pm |
ShawnD wrote:
Thinking about.. Little Trout/ Misty/Daisy with my kids. One longer portage in there but the days aren't long..
This is a great suggestion. Beautiful lakes. And the Westward travel is on the river which, quite aside from being a great paddle, is a definite plus in the event of windy conditions.
Trip Reports » Trip Reports and Cell Phones » 2/03/2016 9:52 pm |
Count me among those who delight in not bringing cell phones into the back country. Good old maps are my preference for navigation--you can fold them out to see the big picture. And for reading, which I love to do while tripping, I like a good paperback that can get bashed around a bit with no concerns. Just my preferences, though.
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