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Skills » Driving with a canoe on long trips » 3/29/2016 12:56 pm

Replies: 21

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Great, thank you!  Not being from the area it's hard to tell how much of a target things like canoes are.  Last trip we took we ended up staying at a Courtyard Marriott in Ottawa (underground parking and all) and I had this fun vision of portaging a canoe through a hotel lobby

Skills » Driving with a canoe on long trips » 3/25/2016 10:50 am

Replies: 21

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After a few trips now we're finally looking into getting a canoe of our own... super excited about it!  However, I wanted suggestions/thoughts on best practices for long drives (I live outside Boston) with a canoe.  All advice welcome, but a couple of specific questions:

1) What do you do with your canoe if you are staying somewhere (like a motel) overnight?  It generally takes us just over a day to get to the park, so we're on the road around dawn and arriving typically at a motel at dusk.  Typically we'll haul the gear into the hotel room overnight for any last minute rearranging/packing in the morning... but what do you guys do with a canoe?

2) Any suggestions for protecting the canoe / keeping a canoe safe on a long haul drive?  For instance, is a roof rack worth the investment?  We typically have pretty "small" cars -- does that matter?

Any other tips?



Skills » Attach packs to canoe, or not? » 8/19/2015 5:30 pm

Replies: 11

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Thanks all for the advice! Sounds like, as long as you pay attention to the possible risks, there is no real concensus on a definite answer to this question. I guess at least I haven't been doing wrong :-)

Skills » Attach packs to canoe, or not? » 8/17/2015 3:16 pm

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So this is kind of embarrasing, but I have a very basic question: when you're out in the middle of the lake, is your pack supposed to be attached to the canoe, or not?

Equipment » MSR guardian water purifier » 8/17/2015 3:11 pm

Replies: 26

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Was talking to some Appalachian Trail thru-hikers over the weekend and basically ALL of thems swear by the Sawyer water filtration systems.  I had really bad luck with my last MSR pump filter (throughput was terrible, which certainly could have been user error, but I never figured it out) so I'm likely to try something else the next time.

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