OBS I'm glad you liked the report!! Coincidentally I've also been wind bound at the exact same spot on Manitou as you - went across the bay just as you did and hung out until the wind died down - which it did not.
I uploaded a video of the Manitou wind just for you! - look familiar? This was back in June 2013. (This also shows the terrible and noisy auto-focus of the 60D that Uppa was mentioning in his camera thread)
If the wind on Opeongo was just a half kilometer per hour stronger, I think we would have had to call it off - it was the most intense battle I've ever faced in a canoe, my heart jumped a few times for sure. Opeongo - when she's nice, she's REALLY nice. When she's mean, she's worse than every ex gf I've ever had.
Thanks again for the kind words
Last edited by Peek (3/24/2017 2:49 pm)