Thanks for that Uppa--that helps for sure. I'm really not a DSLR user--borrowed one last year for my solo spring trip and basically used it on auto mode the whole time, obviously a complete waste. So your assessment re. need for multiple lenses etc. confirms my thoughts that I'd best stay away from all that,given my desire for lightweight, portability, quick access, etc. I was looking over the thread on the photography section of the forum re. waterproof cameras. I may check those out. Also thinking about the GoPro option for action video, and right now I'm wondering whether 3 cameras is too many to carry -- i.e., add in a good quality point and shoot for around camp or other, more protected scenarios? I suppose another option would be to find a way to keep my iphone powered up and take it along. I'm certainly happy with the photo quality on it, just not sure about mounting possibilities. Anyway, it seems I'm moving this thread way off-topic and away from the general subject matter of this section of the forum, so enough already. Thanks again.