I really enjoy birding, and trying to identify birds, etc., on my canoeing adventures. I definitely have some favorites: common loon, crazy merganzers, red wing blackbirds, pileated woodpeckers, any raptors, chickadees and dark-eyed juncos, herons, bitterns, wood ducks, terns, black skimmers, nuthatches, Semipalmated Plovers, and Sanderlings. But there are birds I could do without. Three: European Starlings (invasive SOB's), English Sparrows (invasive, but they are so doggone cute it is kind of hard to dislike them entirely). (When I was a kid at a vacation spot, we had one that came around the same time every day, wanting to be fed, which my sister and I did. We named him Elmer, and he'd jump right into your hand.), and cormorants (because they can just take over a lake, can displace other birds, and can be so hard on fish populations. Plus that profile in flight....blech. Unattractive bird. I always think of going over that bridge near Hamilton and seeing approximately.....I'm going to go with 87 kabillion, but I Might be a little low with that estimates.