Many thanks again all. Definitely encouraging to get some feedback. Day 2 is almost ready and should be up by Sunday at the latest.
@oldboyscout: Glad you enjoyed the logging camp exploration. I wasn't certain about that footage as a lot of it was very jerky and rambling. Good to know the edit worked out.
@Martin2007 and @Was_Hardcore: Glad I decided to keep the 'blues' comments in there. It's true that I do get these moments at the beginning of every trip. The excitement of the drive to the put-in and the rush of finally getting out on the water quickly becomes overshadowed as the isolation grows. I think it's a form of culture shock really. On this trip it was a bit more pronounced early on because of the grey weather through most of day 1. I used to be overtaken by this sensation, then turn around and call it quits on day 2. But that was decades ago. On this trip it faded as the work of the portages set-in, particularly with some of the blowdowns and the uphill on the 805m.
@Roman_K2: Lol. I've heard this about a film being made there as well, but have never seen anything. I know my first starts from there would have been with family in that same timeframe (mid-to-late 70's) but I can't remember it ever being much different from what it is today--other than, of course, the absence of the railway. But I've certainly heard plenty of talk about the 'town of Kiosk'.
@swedishpimple: It's worth the trip up the creek to visit Maple Lake for sure, although I'd say better in summer than at ice-out! That island campsite at the south end is something special.
@GordK: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
@Uppa: Support much appreciated, especially since I feel like I've borrowed (....stolen? hopefully not) some of your techniques. Thanks for watching!