AL and Uppa's Excellent Adventure (Clover Lake trip report)

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Posted by AlgonquinLakes Online!
5/23/2018 6:40 am

Hi All,

As you've seen from Uppa's video, I joined him on a loop down through Clover Lake last week. The weather was fantastic, the company was excellent and the portages were neither of those things. Part one of my trip report is up now over at All of Algonquin. 

Hope everyone is having a great start to the season.


Posted by Uppa
5/23/2018 7:05 am

And the first thing I did upon returning to work after a 9-day absence is... read a trip report! 

Great stuff as always Drew. I don't remember that 660 into Clover either, so maybe it was the one kind portage of the day. Looking forward to the next installment!

Posted by Ash
5/23/2018 11:33 am

Great report!  There was the big shocker for me here in seeing Bob allowing himself to be seen in the interior with a canoe lol! 😜😜

I'll be doing a trip out of Archray L later this season, so this was a great read...  Thanks for sharing 😄

Posted by Uppa
5/23/2018 11:58 am

Hey now, I wasn't in a canoe, I was just in the presence of a canoe. Although I have to admit, Drew's canoe is a thing of beauty. And it weighed like 30 pounds. 

I mean... kayak kayak kayak. Kayak.

Posted by Ash
5/23/2018 12:13 pm

Uppa wrote:

Hey now, I wasn't in a canoe, I was just in the presence of a canoe. Although I have to admit, Drew's canoe is a thing of beauty. And it weighed like 30 pounds. 

I mean... kayak kayak kayak. Kayak.

I'm just pulling your leg...  What was you had referred to a canoe as in a previous post? - 'Bloated whale carcass' (or something to that effect)...  I had to =D

And yes, that does look like quite the canoe!  Glad you had a great trip =D

Posted by Uppa
5/23/2018 3:01 pm

A canoe is a wonderful thing. It can carry my pack between portages so I don't have to put everything away again. 

Posted by Uppa
5/24/2018 3:29 pm
Posted by AlgonquinLakes Online!
5/24/2018 7:58 pm

I left it on the Tarn/Stratton portage. No way I’m going back for it now.

Posted by Uppa
5/24/2018 8:28 pm

Well you'd have a hard time going back for it anyway, considering no such portage exists.

Posted by AlgonquinLakes Online!
5/24/2018 8:40 pm

Whoops. Frankly, I’m surprised I made it out of the woods.


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