That was a terrific report. I've been waiting and waiting for it because I knew it would be outstanding.
The one and only time I ever took my wife was in June because I didn't know any better back then. It wasn't bad generally, but waking up on our second (and final) morning, I heard chainsaws in the far distance, and figured there was logging going on. Then I realized it was mosquitoes outside the tent. It took five seconds to break camp. As soon as I stepped out of the boat, I wiped about twenty mosquitoes off my left wrist and hand, result was a bloody pulp of dead mosquitoes. Did the same to the right hand, and in the time it took to wipe the right hand, the left hand was fully populated again. I put a pack on my wife's back and said "GO." It was surreal. You won't see me there in June again - but I'm very happy to read about your June trips!