I just saw pictures on facebook that a friend of mine in Whitney has posted.
Mud Bay and Rapid Bay on Galeairy Lake are almost open. This is where the Madawaska River flows in.
Because of this and other ``things`` (can`t think of the right word to put for things), I definitely now think that the ice will be off all of the lakes come opener in THE GREATEST PARK IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
boknows wrote:
I just saw pictures on facebook that a friend of mine in Whitney has posted.
Mud Bay and Rapid Bay on Galeairy Lake are almost open. This is where the Madawaska River flows in.
Because of this and other ``things`` (can`t think of the right word to put for things), I definitely now think that the ice will be off all of the lakes come opener in THE GREATEST PARK IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
I've been saying it all along The ice is thinner this year than most, so once it starts going its going to go fast!
Your friend must be named Tess? If so she just put up some new photos from today.
Last edited by ATVenture (4/11/2017 3:09 pm)
boknows wrote:
Because of this and other ``things`` (can`t think of the right word to put for things)