I'm heading in through the Shall Lake access point this spring and thinking of taking a side trip into Little Dickson. Jeff's Map says there are remnants of a camboose camp on the north shore. Has anyone seen these? Is it worth a trip over to Little Dickson to explore the area?
No personal experience. Googling found me a thread on the old AA forums (from 2007) where a group looked around the general area and didn't see anything of note.
I'll be spending a night on Little Dickson in early May. If I have the time and energy I'll take a look around.
In 2012 I spent a solid two hours looking for the camboose camp there and found nada, zilch, nothing. The area where it's supposedly located was hit with a pretty severe microburst and made exploring the area / looking for ruins way more difficult than a typical undisturbed forest.
If you find something please let me know - Little Dickson is a nice little lake and I'd go back there in a heartbeat. The island campsite was the best - the campsite on the point was kind of creepy, the other one just sucked.
Here are a couple photos of the area where the camboose camp is located..
I have a reasonably short day into Little Dickson (coming from Round Island) so I'll take a look around. But if you didn't find anything in two hours, it's probably safe to say there's nothing - or at least nothing of significance - to find.
Thanks for the campsite tips - I've added them to my notes. How does a campsite qualify as "creepy", exactly? ;)
Who knows - you may luck out.
I dunno, maybe it was just me.. but something about this
campsite just creeped me out. The way the pine are situated, looks like some forest ritual is about to go down or something...
Those pines are definitely up to some forest ritual weirdness.
Maybe if you stay there you can ask them and you'll discover it's all on the up and up and their ritual only invokes the positive forces of the universe.
Peek wrote:
Who knows - you may luck out.
I dunno, maybe it was just me.. but something about this
campsite just creeped me out. The way the pine are situated, looks like some forest ritual is about to go down or something...
Assuming there is a nice canopy at the top of those trees that would be a nice fire pit to spend a rainy day.
I remember one hiking trip where it rained constantly for three days. One afternoon as I was looking for somewhere to have a bite of lunch I came across a large ceder (I think) that had a canopy so large and thick that even after two days of rain it was dry as a bone underneath for about 8-10 feet out. What a welcoming find that was! Spent a couple of hours just resting and dozing as the rain continued around me. I was awfully tempted to spend the night there.
Okay, the pic definitely helps me envision 'creepy'. Perfect for a rainy day as Algonquintripper points out, but otherwise I'll take your advice and check out the island site.