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3/22/2017 8:09 am  #1

Spring Ice Out 2017

Always a must for those planning an early trip into Algonquin Park's backcountry.  We've started our Algonquin Provincial Park ice out reports and the first one is live already with lots of pictures and information about the current conditions.

We're also hosting a fun and maybe rewarding Ice Out Contest for Lake Opeongo in Algonquin Park.  All you have to do is visit our contest page below and register your date that you think the ice will be out on Lake Opeongo for a chance to win an Algonquin Outfitters $100 Gift Card, there will be $25 off rental coupons for many of those who also pick the correct date.  (Winners picked by random draw for those who guess right for the Lake Opeongo Ice Out date, in case we have lots of winners).

Enter the Lake Opeongo Ice Out contest at the link below:


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