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2/21/2017 1:12 pm  #1

Winter in the Wild?

Anyone head up for the Winter In The Wild Festival this year?  Always enjoying hearing stories and seeing pics of people's set ups and stuff....


2/21/2017 7:52 pm  #2

Re: Winter in the Wild?

I was there with my son but no pics of the set ups at mew lake. We camped off track and tower,  a 15 minute walk from Mew. What an awesome weekend for weather. There didn't seem to be as much of a turnout for winter in the wild as I've seen in the past though. Not sure why. We did tour the campground a bit and some of the set ups were impressive. I'm still set on finding an old military  bell tent and stove to use.  Those I talked to involved in the demonstrations and festivities seemed to have had a great time. We cold tented. My son's first experience and can't wait to do it again. I will try to load some photos up later.  Thanks for the tip  of interior camping within walking distance of mew.  A heck of allot cheaper and very convenient. There were quite a few set up in the airfield as well. A tonne  of snow up there.


3/20/2017 7:35 pm  #3

Re: Winter in the Wild?

Interesting that they plowed Mew Lake all the way to the end of the point this year. Never saw that in the past. I guess they were hoping for a large crowd. Couldn't book a site in the run up to that weekend but I think most sites are first come first served anyway. Didn't see any quinzee snow shelters when we were up there on the first weekend of spring break. The scouts are slipping eh.


Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.