Morning all,
It is that time of year again and I am starting to plan my annual spring trip (mid to late May) and I am looking to do a 7-8 day trip starting at Access Point #1. We will be a group of 4 regular trippers so we are not too worried about long days / difficult paddles etc.
Hoping to go through Manitou Lake to Kiosk, making our way down to Cedar through the Cauchons, with the return back up the Nipissing River / Loughrin Creek back to Access Point #1 through Biggar.
I was just wondering if anyone has attempted this loop and has any input / concerns.
I have only ever paddled down the Nip to Cedar, how strong is the current going upstream in the spring?
How passable is Loughrin Creek?
We have paddled the Cauchon lakes before, is it worth changing the route to go through Maple/ Erables/ Club instead of Mink Lake?
I assume heading East on the big northern lakes is advised over heading out in a westerward direction? (i.e. reversing the direction of our loop).
In summary, really excited to hit the north west part of the park for the first time, so please share your thoughts!
PS. Been reading this forum for years, and only recently logged in. Thanks for all the advice over the years!
Nice route!
Downstream is of course always preferable, but you won't encounter any significant current, aside from where the portages around rapids exist of course.
I haven't paddled Loughrin Creek but I imagine in May you'd be fine. If a route isn't passable due to water levels in May, then it's never passable.
Mink Lake is just a boring stretch of nothing, whereas Maple and Erables (and Mouse and Club!) are nice. But then you're suggesting skipping 1 km worth of portages to tack on 8+, so I guess it depends on where you're spending your nights. Certainly the route through Maple and Erables will have fewer people around and have better campsites (Mink campsites are also pretty lousy).
I'd say you've picked the right direction for the loop, yeah.
Loughrin Creek should be good that time of year. I've done it in mid-August during a wetter than normal summer and it was fine so you should have no problem in May. I've gone both ways on the Nipissing so you shouldn't have any trouble going upstream. It would definitely be better than facing a strong headwind going up Cedar, the Cauchons, Mink, Kiosk, etc.
As others have said. loughrin will be fine. I have done it in spring and there was plenty of water. Sounds like a good trip, the only issue you might encounter is wind on north tea, manitou and kiosk. In my opinion that section of the park is consistently the windiest, and I have been almost everywhere. Just relentless, and consistently windy and this is from over 35 years tripping the park. Still I keep going back! Although a lot of those lakes arent what they used to be even 15 years ago fishing wise.
Great trip, but I would exchange Mink for Maple/Erables as other have said (of course, only if you're down for the additional portaging, but its a much more scenic route).
Loughrin creek will be fine. I've paddled it in June, and just last september, up-stream, and it was fine. Beautiful creek - keep your camera out and ready to fire here, moose everywhere.
Thanks for the confirmation on Loughrin Creek everyone. That link kind of makes or breaks the loop. The fact that it is beautiful and has a chance for moose makes it even harder to wait until May!
I am glad I asked about Maple Creek vs. Mink as well. Like all things in life you need to pay to see it, so extra portaging it is!
There's also the compromise option of Whitebirch/Waterclear/Club. That would be between Mink and Maple/Erables/Mouse in the amount of portaging and overall distance, and Whitebirch and Waterclear are more scenic than Mink. Just something to consider.
Let us know how your trip was! I'm doing the same loop only the other way around at the end of June. I'd love to hear about how you found it. Any words of advice?
I too was very worried about Loughrin Creek until I read this particular post and everyone's opinion on it. It really would have been the make or break factor.
Last edited by OhSweetPete (5/21/2017 8:22 am)
Hey, sorry but I ended up bringing along some other people and changed the spring trip to Access point #3 for 4 days through Misty, Big Trout, Burnt Island and back through Misty.
I am hoping to take on the Access Point 1 trip later this summer, if I do I will gladly update. You might be going before me though, let me know!