I was about to take a friend into Grand or Carcajou until she heard that the road and surrounding area from Sand Lake Gate to the Achray turnoff was in an active hunting area. Is she being paranoid? Apparently all the way over to Opeongo is active hunting territory.
If staying clear of that area is a good idea any ideas of something accessible with safe parking from Highway 60?
I was thinking of Opeongo and checking out Costello for moose. Another idea was putting in at Lake of Two Rivers and heading down to Rock or Pen. (I heard that the road into Rock is now a little hairy because of logging trucks.) BTW, are logging trucks active 7 days a week or are weekends clear.
We're on the east side of the park and I would rather spend my time in a canoe rather than my truck.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by TedSolo (11/06/2016 4:25 pm)
Rock lake road is not a logging road so no issues there. Its a dead end after the campground at the Booth's Rock trail. The hiking trail parking lot across the highway has a logging road running through it though. I wouldn't be paranoid about the Achray area though. I just got back the other day from a 3 day trip starting at the Brigham access on the Barron River.
I spend a few days at crotch lake/farm lake in September. ( east side of AP)
The access point lies directly on an active logging road, and the trucks could easily be heard at the crotch lake campsites when they needed to stop for the stop sign at the permit office. However, they did not work past Friday afternoon, at which time locked the gates on the logging road at the stop sign so no one had access to the logging road by vehicle. As well,the Costello river, accessible at a bridge ( towards opeongo) is only about a three quarter of an hour paddle to the outfitter.
In some past years, during the fall and winter, there has been logging truck use of the Rock Lake road. The logging road system, from the south, ties in to the Rock Lake road by way of the old railway bridge at the south end of Whitefish Lake, just north of the campground road continuation of the old railroad bed. This year's AFA work schedule map doesn't show it being used this fall or winter.
However, considering the comment that trucks are using the road, I suggest you call the AFA Huntsville office and get an update .. 705-789-9647. Or, the AFA Pembroke ofice .. 613-735-0173 .
Anyone know what the transition date is from Fall to Winter in relation to the logging activities?
thanks for the responses everyone. All is calm now - appreciated.