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10/12/2016 11:38 am  #1

Where in Algonquin #Mario Lemieux

Big water is seldom seen so serene.  Hopefully the image quality is good enough.



10/12/2016 11:51 am  #2

Re: Where in Algonquin #Mario Lemieux

can ya see the cell tower?


10/12/2016 11:59 am  #3

Re: Where in Algonquin #Mario Lemieux



10/12/2016 12:11 pm  #4

Re: Where in Algonquin #Mario Lemieux

Wow.  Next time I'm up I'm going to post one of those impossible pictures.  I guess I make them too easy.

You got it, Treater, right off the bat.

And no cell towers in sight, Swede!  That's a big reason for me to venture into the interior...unwind and unplug!

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