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9/08/2016 5:30 pm  #1

Trout closer! lakers or brookies?

hey yall ! what a great paddling season its been just got back from access point #17 and am going back to APP in a week. Kinda poor planing on my part as conditions will probably be the same.. :/
this is the mega trout closing fishing bonanza trip...looking for a little advice on fish activity.
is it just me or are brookies just not having it in sept? teething? shut down? feel as hot as i do?
we've gone to our lil spot three years in a row now and maybe pulled out one fish in our 5 day trip, in the spring its nuts there, fish every five casts. (if all the stars are aligned, temp + time of day). So we are seriously considering just going for lakers, (arn't they more predictable?)
Its going to be a full moon so i know moon rise is key and they will be pretty shut down after 2-3 days of moonlight.

Any thoughts?


9/13/2016 10:15 am  #2

Re: Trout closer! lakers or brookies?

Brookies all the way. Lake trout fishing is boring and brookies taste much better. They will also be nicely coloured up for the spawn. 


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