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5/07/2016 6:33 am  #1

Older maps

Hello all

My family and I hiked the western uplands trail last year and are planning to hike the highlands this year. In our planning the other day I was telling my kids about the first time I hiked the highlands trail back in the early 90's. I was explaining how the route was a little different around the first loop where it used to follow the railbed a little more and that there was actually a campsite at mosquito creek (which they thought was hilarious - who would camp at mosquito creek they asked??? - I did, which made them laugh even more).

I've searched around and can't find my old map to show them what I'm talking about apparently that map is gone, probably floating down mosquito creek. Does anyone have a mid 90's or earlier copy of the map they might scan and send to me so I could show my kids? They each like to have their own map when we're out and I think it might be interesting for them to see the differences as we're walking.

Not sure if this raises copyright issues given that the map is long out of print, if so I apologize.



5/07/2016 7:45 am  #2

Re: Older maps

I don't think I can help you (though I'll check my parents' filing cabinets next time I visit them) but I wanted to thank you for solving the mystery of why the CAMIS website shows a "closed/unavailable" campsite at Mosquito Creek in its Highlands reservation map, far off the existing trail.


5/07/2016 8:09 am  #3

Re: Older maps

I have a map bought during the 80s sometime IIRC, won't be able to get to it until Monday at the earliest.


5/07/2016 4:00 pm  #4

Re: Older maps

Here is one of our old trip reports (1978).  It includes a couple of photos of the Mosquito Creek campsite.

Bob M


5/07/2016 7:02 pm  #5

Re: Older maps

DanPM - you're welcome. I can't recall exactly when the mosquito creek site disappeared from the maps, but I remember the spot very well. I still stop there each time I hike that trail (5 or 6 times now I think). My first trip with my high school outdoor club went through there in june 1991'ish when the bugs were merciless and we stopped for lunch. Made tea with the tea coloured water. Lots of fond memories of this trail.

frozentripper - if you find a map in that filing cabinet I would really appreciate a scan. cheers

rgcmce - Hi Bob M I've read all of your trip logs previously and enjoy them each time I read them again (usually in the spring when I'm itching to get out). Really appreciate you sharing them. Looking at those pictures brings me right back there; I can actually smell the Algonquin in your photography. The one I like the best is of the lookout over head creek and the Madawaska river (proposed to my wife there in 2001). Unfortunately all of the trees you see just at the bottom of the frame in your picture are now 20 feet taller and the view is pretty much gone. Its still marked on the map as a lookout, but its more of just a rest stop with a slightly improved breeze to keep the bugs down.

if anyone else has a scan, would be appreciated.



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5/08/2016 1:45 pm  #6

Re: Older maps

I've never been to that site so is this what you're talking about? This map is from 2001 and also shows the length along the railbed.


5/08/2016 7:19 pm  #7

Re: Older maps

Thanks for that scan. The campsite is there, but the trail around starling lake is a bit different on the 90's map. If I recall correctly the trail used to follow the rail line north of starling lake and along the portage until they opened it as a bike trail and cut the new trail south of starling lake. Perhaps my recollection is spotty.

thanks again for that scan spicol.


     Thread Starter

5/11/2016 2:58 pm  #8

Re: Older maps

JDB, after some digging through my pile of maps, I've found the Hiking Trails pamphlet, dated 1977... although I'm sure I used it during the early 80s. The HHT map is almost identical to the one above except colors are a different shade of green, the campgrounds are white instead of dark green and the bike path is shown as a railway "abandoned". The Mosquito creek campsite is on there except on the east side of the trail. Let me know if you still want to see it... scanning or snail mail might take some time either way.



5/11/2016 7:34 pm  #9

Re: Older maps

thanks very much. I guess my memory is faulty, or else perhaps my high school outdoors club leader took us down the railway and portage on purpose as I recall that walk clearly. Must have been his way of taking us to a different walk. Now that I think of it, I think we hiked in the regular way in and out along the portage and railway for a change of view.

really appreciate you looking it up for me.



     Thread Starter

5/11/2016 8:09 pm  #10

Re: Older maps

Jdbonney wrote:

Thanks for that scan. The campsite is there, but the trail around starling lake is a bit different on the 90's map. If I recall correctly the trail used to follow the rail line north of starling lake and along the portage until they opened it as a bike trail and cut the new trail south of starling lake.


The hiking trail didn't follow the portage trail. It left the abandoned rail line just east of where it crossed the creek that flows from Starling Lake into Lake of Two Rivers, moved along the base of the ridge and then made a steep ascent to the top of the ridge near the Starling lake lookout.   It's been a few years since I have been there but I believe the section of the trail that passed through forest and the ascent to the ridge is still recognizable as a trail.  The beginning of the trail section which passed through a field area beside the abandoned rail line is overgrown.  


5/11/2016 9:00 pm  #11

Re: Older maps

James, it's my memory that's faulty... I had forgotten you had mentioned the HHT following the railway and instead looked at the Mosquito creek campsite location only. Yes, like YC describes, on the 1977 map the HHT followed the railway track in the area north of Starling lake and then turned south away from the railway at about the location of the creek.unlike the map up above. Didn't follow the LOTR port, though, instead crossed the port near Provoking. Sorry about the confusion and not paying more attention here, things have been busy and I've been on the road.


5/11/2016 10:08 pm  #12

Re: Older maps

The first time I hiked the Highland Backpacking Trail was in the fall of 2005. I spent the first night at the northern end of Harness Lake and was about an hour and a half into Day 2, heading for Provoking, when a rotted split log placed over a stream broke under my weight. The map I had was, I think, from 1999 and had the Mosquito Creek site shown. I'm not sure if the map indicated it as so, but it was considered at that time to be an emergency site and was not reservable. Whatever the case I set it as my goal and it took me 4 hours with a badly sprained ankle to get there. As poor a site as it was - just a small fire ring and some heavily stained water - I can't recall ever being so happy to make a camp. It took me 8 hours the next day to make the trailhead.

I've done the trail a couple of times since then but always had to endure constant rain. I'm beginning to think that trail has some bad mojo.


5/12/2016 7:19 am  #13

Re: Older maps

Excellent, so I was remembering the trail reroute around the starling lake area correctly. I wonder why it was changed. I haven't been to that lookout in years, don't recall it being anything wonderful but when hiking through the woods any lookout is usually a blessing and good rest stop. So, if anyone has a scan or copy of that earlier map, I would love to see it just to see where that reroute is and show the kids.

Thanks again


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5/13/2016 6:50 am  #14

Re: Older maps

Hi James, I tried to send you a PM, unfortunately a "resubmit" window appeared and couldn't be closed.... restart computer. And now, I can't paste the PM into this post. I'll try an email since I can't be sure the PM went rhrough.    


5/13/2016 6:56 am  #15

Re: Older maps

I give up, more problems... anyway, time's run out.


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