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3/29/2016 1:28 pm  #1

Lens Filter Recommendations

The question of camera lens filters came up on Token's thread and I figured it was worth following up. 

In particular I'm looking to get a graduated neutral density filter/filter set and have been looking at the Cokin filters.

Are other folks using Cokin filters and where would you rank them compared to other brands?


3/29/2016 1:41 pm  #2

Re: Lens Filter Recommendations

RobW I have used the Cokin filters and they were terrible.  I completely babied them and found they scratched ridiculously easily, to the point where they were completely unusable.  Of all the camera gear I've bought over the past 10 years or so I would say those Cokin filters were the worst investment by far.  Maybe I had a bad batch but I really didn't like them.  The concept is great and the price was appealing but the quality was very poor.


3/29/2016 2:45 pm  #3

Re: Lens Filter Recommendations

Darn ...  so what are you using?

     Thread Starter

3/29/2016 4:07 pm  #4

Re: Lens Filter Recommendations

I'm using these two:

Again they are not top of the line, but somewhere in the middle.   Someone told me once that you don't want to put cheap glass (i.e. filter) in front of good glass (i.e. a good lens) and that kind of made sense to me.


3/29/2016 5:37 pm  #5

Re: Lens Filter Recommendations

I have a ND filter from Promaster for a 58 mm diameter lens.. yes like on the Rebel.. Then I went and got a 77 mm dia lens... Now I need another ND filter.

Soon I need a sherpa.


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