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9/17/2024 5:15 am  #1

Two trip reports: Hike to White Partridge, and Foys Lk Loop

Hike to White Partridge Lake - Sept. 11, 2024
Route: North Branch trail, Goblin Lk, Dawn Lk, cart trail to White Partridge
Trip Report:

Foys Lake Loop - Aug. 29, 2024,
Route: cart trail to Foys Lk, bushwhack to Frog Lk, trail to Basin Lk and return via Basin Rd.
Trip Report:

A few of the report images

Aug. 29 hike: Foys Lake

Making our way around Frog Lake

Island campsite on Basin Lake

Sept. 11 hike - Goblin Lake

Dawn Lake

White Partridge Lake


9/18/2024 1:26 pm  #2

Re: Two trip reports: Hike to White Partridge, and Foys Lk Loop

When I was reading your story about the hike from Basin Depot to Lower Spectacle I noticed Frog Lake on the map and thought 'I bet it would be nice to hike to Frog Lake". Low and behold, that is exactly what you guys did. Great Story!


9/18/2024 3:40 pm  #3

Re: Two trip reports: Hike to White Partridge, and Foys Lk Loop

solos wrote:

When I was reading your story about the hike from Basin Depot to Lower Spectacle I noticed Frog Lake on the map and thought 'I bet it would be nice to hike to Frog Lake". Low and behold, that is exactly what you guys did. Great Story!

Hi Solos -it is a nice hike up to Frog Lake -- a pretty steady climb up from Basin Lk. I was surprised at the high point when my phone indicated I had a signal. I'm not sure what tower I would be picking up that far into the Park. Anyway, I was able to make a call home saying we would be late.

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