mc craney lake ??
Gosh, can't get anything past da swede!
McCraney it is.
I forgot to mention that that is a rather old photo. It's from at least 2005!
thanks barbara
could someone post a photo,, the topic is open
Swede, ya got to get a camera or an app to upload all of the wealth you have based upon your history in naming all of these WIA posts! It would be fun to get some of your special places that you experienced through out your years traversing throughout APP Just saying and not trying to add any pressure on ya haha
Last edited by Andy W (9/06/2024 4:58 pm)
hello andy
thanks for the kind words,, i have dropped several cameras into the lakes over the years , so now i do not bother to pack a camera anymore,, i have lost reading glasss as well,, l.o.l. i carry spare glasses now.
the person that has a book in him is jake , just a great guy to spend some time with chatting,, he told me about a bear ripping off his pack while he was walking along a portage at night, close encounter.
i am probably headed to a special place , a northern section of algonquin. the calm side , next week .
trout on a stick
Andy The real reason Sweede does not carry a camera is he does not want us to figure out where he is fishing LOL
Swede ~ I can relate.! my brother and I both lost cameras to the Algonquin Lake gods over the years!
Yes, the times my brother and I launch from Cedar, we always bring a 6 pack of Straub Beer for Jake and enjoy his willingness to share his history with us on an evening before us heading out in the morning. A great guy fer sure! He was nice enought to even give us instructions on where to find the boxcar hiden in the bush PS. Peek has this logged on his site as well, relative to historic landmarks. It's well worth fighting the skeeters and flys to check it out if anyone is in that area !
Rob ~ I think you nailed it on Swede's reluctance on posting WIA hahaha
Last edited by Andy W (9/07/2024 10:56 am)