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8/22/2024 3:54 pm  #1

WIA 783

On a campsite, looking out over which lake?


8/22/2024 5:56 pm  #2

Re: WIA 783



8/23/2024 9:14 am  #3

Re: WIA 783

Parkside Bay??


8/23/2024 10:45 am  #4

Re: WIA 783

It is not Manitou nor Parkside Bay.

     Thread Starter

8/23/2024 3:10 pm  #5

Re: WIA 783



8/23/2024 3:30 pm  #6

Re: WIA 783

captainchaos2000 wrote:


It isn't Hogan, but Hogan is the closest guess so far!

     Thread Starter

8/26/2024 9:13 am  #7

Re: WIA 783

Well, I'll take another guess if that's permissible since this thread has gotten quiet.
Big Crow?


8/26/2024 10:04 am  #8

Re: WIA 783

Big Crow is getting farther away - not so much geographically, but definitely by any recognized canoe route.

The silence here is the sound of everyone out on a trip mocking us.

     Thread Starter

8/26/2024 10:06 am  #9

Re: WIA 783

Radiant, looking up the shore towards the Pet (towards Cedar)


8/26/2024 11:03 am  #10

Re: WIA 783



8/26/2024 11:37 am  #11

Re: WIA 783



8/26/2024 12:13 pm  #12

Re: WIA 783

Evan Briden wrote:

Radiant, looking up the shore towards the Pet (towards Cedar)


     Thread Starter

8/26/2024 2:58 pm  #13

Re: WIA 783

shaggy wrote:

Evan Briden wrote:

Radiant, looking up the shore towards the Pet (towards Cedar)


looks like I am out of fresh photos now, someone else can post!

need to get back into the park and boost my stockpile!


Board footera

LNT Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships.