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8/01/2024 10:50 am  #35

Re: WIA 781

Not Sunday. Sorry. 


8/01/2024 12:24 pm  #36

Re: WIA 781



8/01/2024 12:38 pm  #37

Re: WIA 781

Sproule?  It's got some interesting thunder boxes.

Last edited by IanTendy (8/01/2024 12:39 pm)


8/01/2024 1:51 pm  #38

Re: WIA 781

Iris? (random guess)


8/01/2024 2:31 pm  #39

Re: WIA 781

John McClane wrote:


Bruce it is! What a great site! A hidden , although in plain sight, gem!
You're up John. 

     Thread Starter

8/06/2024 5:18 pm  #40

Re: WIA 781

I've tried, but failed to upload a WIA 782. Could someone else please try? Plus, I was just going off clues from the other guesses. 


Board footera

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