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8/25/2023 7:52 am  #1


I hope Evan Briden doesn't mind me stepping in on his "victory" on the 18th to keep things going....

Mine never last very long....where is this bit of unpleasantness along a portage?


8/25/2023 9:44 am  #2

Re: WIA678

The forks?
between the 1210 and 2475 on the crow.


8/25/2023 11:20 am  #3

Re: WIA678

Crossing Pezheki Creek on P3480 between Rosebary & David Crek.


8/25/2023 12:41 pm  #4

Re: WIA678

I figured you'd nail it in a heartbeat once you saw the photo, but geez, naming the (basically) nameless creek...I feel like you maybe need an intervention or something. 

Yep - Peek got it.  For those who don't know....which I'm assuming is EVERYBODY in North America but Peek and descendants of whomever Mr. Pezheki was, that's Pezheki Creek.  

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