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7/29/2023 9:28 pm  #1

WIA #673


7/30/2023 10:44 am  #2

Re: WIA #673

Burnt Island?


7/31/2023 7:09 am  #3

Re: WIA #673

Not Burnt Island

     Thread Starter

7/31/2023 7:10 am  #4

Re: WIA #673



7/31/2023 7:23 am  #5

Re: WIA #673

Well, if it's not Burnt Island, how about Burnt Root?


7/31/2023 10:42 am  #6

Re: WIA #673

None of the guesses so far. 

     Thread Starter

8/01/2023 9:44 am  #7

Re: WIA #673

Parkside Bay?


8/02/2023 7:34 am  #8

Re: WIA #673

Burnt Island is the closest guess so far. 

     Thread Starter

8/02/2023 8:04 pm  #9

Re: WIA #673



8/03/2023 9:13 am  #10

Re: WIA #673

Never been to Dickson lake, might head there this fall now that the algae problem is over, 

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8/03/2023 10:12 am  #11

Re: WIA #673



8/03/2023 12:01 pm  #12

Re: WIA #673

Misty is the closest guess so far.  

     Thread Starter

8/03/2023 7:04 pm  #13

Re: WIA #673



8/03/2023 7:53 pm  #14

Re: WIA #673

Bampot you’ve got it.  This is from one of those premium sites you were trying for, but got jousted by camp Aarrowhon.

     Thread Starter

8/07/2023 1:30 pm  #15

Re: WIA #673

TripperMike wrote:

Bampot you’ve got it. This is from one of those premium sites you were trying for, but got jousted by camp Aarrowhon.



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