I just received notification that the AFA's Annual Work Schedule is now published on the Natural Resources Information Portal (NRIP).
It can be directly accessed at ..
Following are some illustrative images ...
Once you get into the "portal", You'll find the following interface ...
The index map shows a grid for identifying the individual detailed maps ...
For the purposes of illustration, below is a close-up of the index map showing the Tim Lake area in Ops-D1.
You'll notice there's a large harvest area plotted both north and south of Tim Lake.
When accessing a detailed map, it is important to access "Operations D1 00.pdf" as it represents ALL the scheduled work .. whereas "Operations D1 01.pdf" refers only to the work CARRIED OVER from the previous year!
Following are the two respective detailed maps .. ALL the work .. and the CARRIED OVER work ...
As in past years, a seasonally colour-coded work schedule map is anticipated to be released in either late April or early May!
Based on what I could see for our spring trips zone. We will be in the clear this year!!! Thanks for the info. I never knew this site even existed!
Thanks for doing this every year Barry, It's invaluable when planning a trip without having to listen to trucks rumbling by or chainsaws and harvesters firing up at 6.30 in the morning....
I believe this MNR 'portal' is new this year. I anticipate that within a few weeks we should get the annual "seasonally colour-coded" single page map that came out of the AFA CSA advisory group back in 2007.
thanks barry,, i look forward to annual "seasonly colour coded " version
keeps it simple
As a side-note I've emailed the AFA a few times now before a trip and have received extremely helpful responses each time, often giving insight beyond the scope of what I had asked about. They seemed very eager to work with recreational users of the park.
Thanks for posting Barry. As usual, I feel sick to my stomach looking at the map
hand in hand with the logging maps is the fire danger rating and related info. you can find current fire conditions here as well as present and past fires...