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2/08/2023 9:16 pm  #1

St. Francis Lake?

Having a hard time finding much info on this lake. Is there a reason for that ?? LOL! Anyone have anything  ?? TIA.


2/09/2023 8:39 am  #2

Re: St. Francis Lake?

My recent trip report here

If you have specific questions, fire away.


2/10/2023 8:35 am  #3

Re: St. Francis Lake?

Thanks. I had read about the Algae bloom. We'll see how this year goes. So often these are reoccurring. I also read that the campsite is great on St. Francis. Makes the bloom that much more frustrating. Thanks for the info .

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2/10/2023 5:32 pm  #4

Re: St. Francis Lake?

I would rate the campsite as "above-average" - particularly for a black site. The rock that makes up the front of the site/landing area is a constant, gradual slope into the lake. With the bloom, it made getting in and out of the canoe a little precarious. It also made the return from a swim a rather comical affair. If you're a food bag hanger, opportunities are limited. We found a suitable branch halfway down the trail to the thunderbox, off  to the right about 15 metres. There is also a suitable tent pad on the campsite's northern peninsula, with water almost on all three sides, but not much cover. Aside from the slog up to the rail-bed, the portage was about ideal in my opinion - no crazy elevation changes, and fairly wild while still being obvious - a very nice walk through the woods.

Last edited by scratchypants (2/10/2023 5:34 pm)


2/10/2023 5:41 pm  #5

Re: St. Francis Lake?

I will add that while the military excercises were not something we were seeking, they did provide a level of intrigue/entertainment. On the second night, at around 10PM, a griffon flew low and slow over the north end, over the portage, and presumably followed the railbed to Sec Lake and back to base.


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